Rating: Adults Only
Category: Fanfiction
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Genres: AU
Warnings: None
Summary: Justin's take on things.
Disclaimer: All characters and situations from Queer as Folk are properties of Russell T. Davies, Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, Showtime, and others. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is rated by the author and not by any independent body.
am more than honoured to have your translate my fics
in the Chinese. both because you think my fics are
worth translating and for the sheer novelty of being
able to see my stories written in a different
language. so you most definitely have my permission to
translate them and put them on your site. *grin* and
seeing as how it is next to impossible for me to
navigate the site since i don't know any Chinese,
could you please send me a direct link to whatever you
end up translating and posting so that i can see what
it looks like?