The missing Linkous
It was a sad and beautiful world Monday when Sparklehorse played
First Ave after a long absence from touring. Indie cult-hero Mark
Linkous and band transfixed the crowd with a 50-minute set low on his
trademark electronic experiments and entropic song forms, and high on
sweet alt-country harmonies, animal-centric lyrics and blazing
punkish feedback. In the house for Horse was "Queer as Folk" star Randy Harrison, in town for "The Glass Menagerie" at the Guthrie.
Harrison said he was thrilled the band was scheduled on a Monday, his
only night off, because he's loved the band's "haunting and surreal"
sound ever since he went through "a big PJ Harvey phase" in college.
(Harvey sings on the 1995 Sparklehorse classic "It's a Wonderful
Life.") Warming up was Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter. What's
with Sykes' habit of singing her "s" sounds as "sh," as in the
lyric, "I wouldn't be shurprished if we never shing thish shong
偶去他们的MYSPACE听到的主打歌竟然是 《 don't take my sunshine away 》
原帖由 imango 于 2007-2-24 14:37 发表
here's the lyric...
Your face is like the sun sinking into the ocean
Your face is like watching flowers growing in fast motion
All your kisses are swallowed, like the mornings that hollows
All vines and tree nuts will come unwound
baby you are my sunshine, my sunshine
please don't take my sunshine away
The grounded fireflys are little stars that are dying
returning to the earth, I can hear them crying
The Christmas bulbs that are swallowed
slept in a tree that's gone hollow
Never a brittle wintertime, baby you are my sunshine, sunshine
please don't take my sunshine away
Sunshine, my sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away
那个永远躲在烟雾背后的瘦弱男人,Mark Linkous,在此我们早就没有必要再人云亦云的对这个瘾君子评头论足什么了。他身体力行的与我们分享了一些于我们大部分人而言渴望不可及的致幻经历。从这个角度说,至少他是个足够慷慨的人。
Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain是Sparklehorse成立11年来的第四张正式专辑,距离上张It’s A Wonderful Life已有五年时间。这张专辑在理论上和事实上都成就了一个小小的奇迹。Mark Linkous似乎总要用很长的时间完成一张Sparklehorse的新专辑。当年的Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot和Good Morning Spider之间相隔四年,然后又过了两年半才发了It's a Wonderful Life。这回Linkous创记录的用了五年时间独自穿越了躁郁、绝望等一系列我们可以想象和不可想象的困境,其中当然包括他与沉溺磕药这件事持续周旋最终好好活了下来,非但没有再上演几年前瘫在浴缸里14小时毫无知觉那著名的一幕,反到是磨出了这么一张历久弥新的作品。在新专辑中,他小心翼翼的尝试着将以前专辑中的一些片段复生。同时他第一次请来了下面这些来头不小的合作者:Tom Waits,Steve Drodz(The Flaming Lips的鼓手)以及Danger Mouse。Linkous独自担纲了专辑中所有器乐的演奏。一张耗时五年的专辑在所难免会让人有一盘散沙的疑虑,然而事实证明,Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a
五年,确实是个太长的时间。这不禁要让人对这张专辑充满无前的巨大期待,它究竟能好到什么份儿上呢?其实并无太大质变。新专辑中既有像“Ghost in the Sky”这种比较具有尝试意味的带着新鲜闪马范儿的Grunge,沙砾质感的强烈吉他扫弦让人眩晕,背景的噪音不断扩张紧缩;也有以“Return to Me”、“Morning Hollow”为代表的Sparklehorse一向见长的迷幻民谣,甜美到忧伤;还有几首毫不俗气让人回味无穷的英伦流行小调,比如开场曲“Please Don't Take My Sunshine”就是一首充满了Beach Boys式和声但在中后部分有出其不意发挥的作品,而在第二首“Getting It Wrong”中Mark
耳边这张Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain显然没有98年的Good Morning Spider那么惊艳,大概多少是和Mark Linkous的自毁程度不比当年有关吧。当然,闪马还是闪马,它身上最无法复制的部分仍旧在这张新作上一一出了彩。这依旧是一场甜美而诡异的梦境,领路人依旧是那个过分消瘦的男人,或者说是那匹潇洒飘逸的小马。而这场梦境较之以往的任何一场都貌似更为漫长。其间的那些晦涩迷雾按照一定逻辑被排列起来,构成了这样一张张结构稳固引人入胜的专辑,耳边的音景在不停变化,我们仿佛经历了一场长达40分钟的人生缩影。此时眼前仿佛又浮现出最后一曲那近乎消融的姿态。那可能意味着死亡。抑或重生。又或许只是谁落在半山腰的一个美梦。我唯一敢肯定的是,那一定不止我们听到的那么简单。至于你想到了什么,听完好好琢磨去吧。
原帖由 imango 于 2007-2-24 14:37 发表
here's the lyric...
Your face is like the sun sinking into the ocean
Your face is like watching flowers growing in fast motion
All your kisses are swallowed, like the mornings ...
Your face is like the sun sinking into the ocean
Your face is like watching flowers growing in fast motion
All your kisses are swallowed, like the mornings that hollows
All vines and tree nuts will come unwound
baby you are my sunshine, my sunshine
please don't take my sunshine away
The grounded fireflys are little stars that are dying
returning to the earth, I can hear them crying
The Christmas bulbs that are swallowed
slept in a tree that's gone hollow
Never a brittle wintertime, baby you are my sunshine, sunshine
please don't take my sunshine away
Sunshine, my sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away