Hi! I got your emails this morning. Thanks again for asking for permission and you can translate any of my stories that you want to. Same rules as before.
Sharon (Sterling Dragonfly)
译前语:翻了那篇《Dreams Do Come True》之后,我又去看了作者的其它文,觉得蛮合我的胃口。授权是上个月底就拿到了,当天我动手准备翻那篇《 THE DRESS》,但是也是那天得到了要去外地报到的通知,后面几天一直没时间碰电脑什么的。今天基本安顿好了,我挑了一篇比较短的翻译,其实一看就知道是某人的那个思想活动,em29嘿嘿。以后有机会我会把其它几篇也翻上来的,希望大家喜欢、批评指正em23
If You had known what would going on in the following years, I am sure you, Brian A. Kenney, would hug the most beautiful and loveliest gift of your life tightly, no matter how you wish to resist the destiny.