





本帖最后由 cora 于 2013-6-27 17:52 编辑

感谢俄罗斯粉丝Tatjana Yurkina(@yurkint )在FB上分享Gale和Randy的合照


帥氣的男人 笑起好陽光喔




大家都在, 一起懷念以前的日子
多好阿 !




来自LJ.wren-kt7oz 链接 http://wren-kt7oz.livejournal.com/144059.html




  • cora




翻了篇报告 第一部分


  • cora




Randy 对问题的回答更直率些,似乎也更有逻辑些;
Gale 通常会以开玩笑的方式来“蒙混”过关,不知是粉些们问的问题有点敏感 还是大叔天性就不太愿意说出自己真实的想法呢。。。xbouyang 发表于 2013-6-17 00:08



谢谢Cora 大大和#104楼的亲的辛勤翻译;花了30分钟 也许还不止 才看完一整页;

Randy 对问题的回答更直率些,似乎也更有逻辑些;
Gale 通常会以开玩笑的方式来“蒙混”过关,不知是粉些们问的问题有点敏感 还是大叔天性就不太愿意说出自己真实的想法呢。。。




回复 102# zhuanyong20101

回复 103# xbouyang


翻了2篇 q_dicted 的简报
太晚了 翻都有点稀里糊涂 不对的地方请指正

原文 http://q-dicted.livejournal.com/15160.html

Gale Harold Can Still Blush  
So yeah. I fulfilled two of my bucket-list goals this Sunday. I saw the face of god Gale Harold in person, and I was able to say a personal thank you to both Gale & Randy for giving us Brian & Justin. I am a happy woman. SO many wonderful moments for me, and I will try to organize my thoughts over the next few days to write a proper recap, but for now, I'd love to share just two that will stand out in my memory forever.

是的。这周日我完成了自己一篮子目标里的两个目标。我见到了上帝的脸 Gale Harold,对Gale和Randy亲自表达了感谢,谢谢他们给我们带来了Brian和Justin。我是个开心的女人。太多的美妙的时刻,接下来的几天我会尽量组织思路写下合适的简报,但是现在,我乐意分享两个会永存在我记忆中的时刻。

First, during Gale & Randy's second panel, I asked what is probably the most common question they get - but as I said then, I'm a relative newbie and *I* haven't heard the answers, so...  I asked what each of their favorite/most memorable scene from the show was. At first Gale hemmed and hawed and said there were too many/too hard to say (paraphrased), but I was not letting him off the hook so easily! I said, then tell me the first thing that came to mind when you heard the question. He thought some more, and then said it was the scene with Sharon when they get high (the first time). Yes, I've heard that answer before, but he also went on to add why it was special (his growing relationship with Sharon) and that in looking back, it was even more special now, years later, than he realized it was at the time. (Damn, that sentence made sense in my head, and did when he was saying it, but I'm not really putting it well. PLEASE GOD let it be on the dvd).


And then he also mentioned another scene, one I hadn't personally ever heard him mention before: the scene in the garage, with Jack - when Brian tells him he's gay. Again - paraphrased - but he talked about how it was so real, and one of the first times Brian wasn't being 'a peacock'. New information, for me at least!!! But the best part, for me personally, was that the whole time he was answering, he was looking right at me (in the very back row, no less), speaking 'to' me, or so it felt anyway. It was SO intense!!! I was trying to concentrate so hard on what he was saying, but damn, it was distracting!! I wondered if maybe I was imagining it, but thankfully, the person sitting next to me actually noticed as well. Completely amazing fangirl moment for me!


ETA: Randy's answer was also new for me. He talked about the end of season one - the scene in the garage. He said that that iconic moment, when he turns his head as Brian calls his name, was not in the original scene. They had already told him he was wrapped - and he was halfway through a bottle of champagne - when they called him back to film that. Just that moment. So that happy/dreamy look? Yep. Champagne. :-)


The second thing - a quite possibly my favorite moment of the entire day - was at the cocktail reception. Gale and Robert were the second of our 'speed-dates', and somebody at the table asked if there was any story-line/arc that surprised them/they didn't see coming. I know there was more of an answer, but at one point Gale said (speaking to Robert -- and again, sorry, paraphrased) 'How about when we discovered that Brian and Ben had done it?' OMG, the look on Robert's face was absolutely priceless - and Gale... Gale blushed. Bright red. Swear to god. Seven shades of red. "Brian Kinney" can still blush. Best. Moment. Ever.

第二件事,大概是我整体最喜欢的时刻了。在鸡尾酒会上。Gale和Robert是我们这桌的第二波嘉宾。有人问有没有什么让人惊讶的故事线是他们完全没有想到会发生的。我知道,有很多答案。不过,当时,Gale说(对Robert说,不好意思,又意译)“你看,当我们发现Brian和Ben之前做过,这个怎么样?”OMG,Rober脸上的表情简直绝了。然后Gale。。。Gale脸红了。通红。对天发誓。各种红。”Brian Kinney”依旧会脸红。最佳时刻!

There is so much more to tell. They were all kind, gracious, warm and grateful. It was a complete pleasure for me and an experience I won't soon forget. It's always a risk to meet people you admire from afar - the potential for disappointment is high - but my expectations were not only met, they were exceeded.


原文 http://gale-allthetime.livejournal.com/434059.html

ETA: I'll add a couple more memories here while they're fresh.

I don't know if this was mentioned by any of the first M&G attendees, but Gale actually spoke about his accident a little. The topic of Justin's bashing came up and the two of them were talking (to each other really, lol) about how they might have played Justin's injuries out differently. Gale asked if he remembered what kind of head injury, exactly, Justin had had. (I suggested damage to the neural pathway, which was all I could remember.) Gale corrected me *g* The original question was whether or not they thought Justin ever found out about Brian having been at the hospital all those nights while he was recovering, and Gale said that he knew for a fact that different people had come to see him shortly after his accident and he had no memory of them being there. He also said that he had some 'memories' come back to him as dreams - which he felt was the brain's way of compensating (and stopping you from going crazy).

我不知道这个有没有被参加了第一个M&G的粉丝提到过。Gale确实说了一些关于他的车祸的事情。Justin bashing的话题被提及,他们两个正在互相讨论把Justin受伤这段经历怎么演的不同。Gale问我是不是记得Justin确切的头部伤是什么(就我能记住的是神经通路的损伤)Gale改正我。原始问题是他们觉得Justin最终会不会发现Brian在他的恢复过程中每晚都在医院。Gale说他知道的事实是,不同的人在他受伤后不久来看过他,但是他完全不记得那些人在过。他还说,有些记忆通过梦境的形势回来了。让他感到大脑在恢复(让你不至于疯狂)

BTW, Randy said he thought their (B/J) relationship had progressed enough by the end that Brian would have told him about it. Gale said that Brian would have figured out some way for Justin to find out, air quotes, "accidentally". Heheh.

Randy说他觉得随着BJ关系进步到一定程度,Brian会告诉他的。Gale说,Brian会找到一种方式让Justin发现,原句引用,”不当心发现” 哈哈哈。

At some point I asked if either of them had ever watched the series all the way through. Both said no, and I said - well you should, you know. I hear it's a pretty good show. ;-)

某刻 我问他们有没有从头到尾看过这剧,他们都说么有。我说,你们应该看看。你知道,我听说这是部不错的剧 ;-)

Another thing (sorry if this is repetitious for some folks). At the closing panel, something happened, I don't recall what - and Michelle said something which caused the rest of them to lose. their. shit. laughing. Randy was practically on the floor and the rest weren't far behind. At one point Peter (I think) picked Randy right up in his arms (carry style). I SO hope that when the DVD comes along whatever happened will be clear, but I never saw anyone laugh as hard as Randy did.
Adding some more thoughts as they occur to me (don't tell my boss!!)


I'm sure there are differing opinions on the interaction between Gale and Randy, but for me, they seemed very comfortable with each other. I tried to take in as much as I could through my 'fangirl glasses', lol. I took particular notice of how attentive each of them was while the other spoke. They were really listening, IMO. One would answer, the other would nod, vice-versa. I came away with a very positive vibe from both of them.


Oh, and during the M&G Gale 'twirled' his beard ALL THE TIME!

欧,在M&G 时Gale一直在转他的胡子。。。。。

One more story, but this belongs in a post of its own because it's a completely fangirlie, gushing, Oh My GOD moment for me. I have no idea if anybody heard it or was struck the same way by it, but it was a total Brian-Kinney-comes-to-life moment for me.
。。。。。。。。。。还有个故事,一个完全的Brian Kinney 再现的时刻。

During the Cocktail Party speed-date, Gale was talking to a couple of the gals on the other side of the table. I have absolutely no idea what the conversation was about or what the response was in relation to, but I heard him say, "Great, it was great, it was great." My head snapped around so fast, and I swear I actually gasped out loud (ask the woman sitting next to me). It was the exact words and the exact voice that said them to Justin following their reunion sex in 502 when he came back from LA. (when he's tickling him to 'say it was great'.) In fact, during the scene that's been ^ ^ ^ ^ up there in my banner since I started this journal. Ahhh, it did this fangirl heart good!

鸡尾酒会时,Gale在和另一桌的人说话。我完全没有概念他们说的什么,但是我听到他说,"Great, it was great, it was great." 这个声音和口气与502 Justin从LA回来,sex后,他对J说的一模一样。(J咯吱B让他说it was great)我日记的banner一直用的这一幕。

In answering mitikay's comment on this post I remembered something else. As I said to her, I don't really see much of 'Brian' in Gale, so in hearing 'that voice', I have to wonder if Gale was having a BK moment, or was the almost-childlike laughter and playfullness of that scene really Gale coming through in Brian?

回答某粉的评论让我想起一些。我没有从Gale的身上看到很多Brian,所以听到那个声音,我不得不想,是Gale有了个BK 时刻呢,还是这个近乎孩童的笑声,以及这个戏谑的场景其实是BK有了一个Gale时刻?

On that note, I recall that someone asked in the M&G what, if anything, they (G/R) brought to their characters. Randy (paraphrased) said he didn't really think there was much, but as he said it, he reached his arm up and back, and scratch the back/side of his head. To me, that right there was SUCH a Justin gesture - and I said so *g*. Now I'm not sure exactly what Randy said but it was along the lines of, 'was [Justin] uncomfortable when he did that?'. I got the impression that he meant he only did that when he was uncomfortable. I thought that was interesting!

M&G 还有一个问题,GR有没有给他们的角色带进什么。Randy说他觉得么有什么,但是当他说的时候,他伸手挠头,对我来说,这是个很Justin的动作。我对Randy说了,现在我不记得R说了什么,大致是“Justin不自在的时候这样做?”我感觉他意思是他只在不自在的时候这样做。有趣。


  • cora


回复 99# cora

Cora 大大有机会一定要看,人人影视、破烂熊都在下载滴;-





本帖最后由 cora 于 2013-6-16 14:23 编辑


Part 1:

Part 2:

还有粉丝报告: 本页104楼


回复 95# 第七天99



回复 94# xbouyang


很想知道Michelle发言的时候 他们一群人笑趴下了 说的是什么呢






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