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标题: [Gale] [翻译]GALE杂志采访合集(第四篇再次更新 。。还差最后一部分拉 。。。) [打印本页]

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 16:28     标题: [翻译]GALE杂志采访合集(第四篇再次更新 。。还差最后一部分拉 。。。)


1.Source: Windy City Times
By Lawrence Ferber
November 22, 2000

Gale, are you or have you ever been a manipulative slut like Brian?
Gale Harold: "Everyone's a Brian at some point or another. That's why people relate to him.

It's just like every archetypal character, it speaks about something all of us have inside.

Whether we display that or not or can keep it up for extended periods of time is a different

story but there are facets of my life, my own experience and things I've done that

definitely have figured into the characterization and actions I've chosen to play."
Using "Brian" as a verb, have you ever been Brianed?

GH: "(laughs)

Yeah, I've been Brianed. I think everybody has and there's a whole vast range
of people who have Brianed you. You can be Brianed by your mother if you're not careful,
right?" How does your love life compare to Brian's, Gale?
GH: "(笑) Yeah,我已经BRIAN化了。我想每个人都是了,很多人都把你BRIAN化了吧。如果你一不小心,你可能就被BRIAN化了,是吗?若你的爱情生活和BRINE比较的话,是怎么样的呢,GALE?

GH: "Well, Brian is an archetype. He's a version of extreme reality and I think that at
times I would wish for a love life like his and at times I thank God I don't have that kind
of love life. Because Brian is not in control of what he's doing. I mean, he's a very
controlling person, but he's out of control. It's great, it's fun for a while and I've
definitely been through that, but to sustain that over years and years is ... you can't
really have a professional life. I couldn't be having the life I have now and have a love
life like his."
GH: "Well, BRIAN是一个原型。他是一个极端现实的人物。有时我希望能有象他那样的感情生活。有时又
谢天谢地自己不是这样的。因为Brian 无法掌控他的行为。我意思是,他是一个有争议性的人,但是他不

How DID Randy's butt taste, Gale?
RANDY 的PP尝起来是什么感觉,GALE?
GH: "Salty. He's a fairly hygenic person I would think. Not like saltines, more like a neck.

A little cumin I guess."
GH: “咸的。我想他卫生习惯很好。这不象咸化饼干,更象是blowjob。我想是种芹果(的味道)。

Have you ever seduced a little, itty bitty young 'un like Justin, Gale?

GH: "I don't know if I want to get into that. I've got to save something, you know? As far

as I'm concerned that's not a yes or no question. There's so much more to be done, right? So

much more life to live I don't want the boundaries to get all hard and fast."
GH: "如果我想尝试,那我就不知道了。我想我还是先保留着吧,你知道吗?我所关心的不是是或不是的

Well, how about this question; are you a monogamist or sleaze?

GH: (pause) "You think I'm going to answer that question after not telling any tidbits? I

can't give that up, it's too early. I'm not playing my hand that soon, no way. I'm saving

it. There's no fucking way. We'll talk again."
GH: (停顿) “你认为我会在没有告诉任何的报道之后回答你这个问题吗?我不会放弃的,那太早了。我

Peter Paige told me of the cast's "no fucking" rule. However, he did admit that extras have

been getting busy during backroom scenes. Have you witnessed love and drama on the set?
Peter Paige告诉我关于剧组的“禁止FUCK”规则。然而,在拍BACKROOM那戏的时

GH: "I've seen it, just be assured that any time there's a hot sexual environment; where
here's smoke there's fire."

what do you folk hope or expect queer viewers to get out of the show? And do you expect
any ogling?

GH: "Something that's real, that's meaningful, that lets people see aspects of their own
life portrayed in a real way, every level of it. Celebration of life, freedom, and love and
the pain and struggle."
GH: "有些是真的,是有意义的。它是能让人们看到那是以真实的方式演绎他们自身的生活的样子。为生

2.Style & Substance: Gale Harold
By Farrah Weinstein
Source: New York Post
April 22, 2001

Gale Harold plays a homosexual heartthrob in the Showtime series "Queer as folk," a role he does so convincingly that many viewers wonder about Harold's real-life orientation. But the thirty something actor refuses to reveal any details on his sexuality. He has many fans in the gay community as well as many women supporters so, he prefers to remain mysterious rather than disillusion anyone.
Gale Harold在SHOWTIME连续剧QAF中饰演一个同志情人,他把剧中角色演绎得很有说服力,使大量观众想知道关于GALE的真实性向。但是30几岁的男演员拒绝暴露关于他们性向的细节。他在同志圈拥有很多粉丝,也有很多女性支持者。因此,他更想保持神秘感,而不想让大家幻想破灭。

He will, however, demurely admit that he's "not exactly" the lascivious lothario of his TV alter ego.

Growing up the son of avid churchgoers in Georgia, Harold was a soccer star and won a scholarship to American University in Washington, D.C., where he studied romance literature. After one semester, he transferred to the San Francisco Art Institute, though he eventually dropped out. He then worked as a mechanic on Italian motorcycles.
他出生在乔治亚洲的一个宗教世家 GALE曾是一个足球明星,他曾获得奖学金到华盛顿D.C.的美国大学就读浪漫文学专业(的机会)。在一学期后,他转到了San Francisco艺术学院。不过最后辍学了。而后他在意大利的摩托车机修厂做技工。
Harold relocated to Los Angeles in 1997 and studied drama for three years, which led to his theatrical debut in Gillian Plowman's "Me and My Friend" at the Los Angeles Theatre Center.
1997年,GALE又重新回到LA,学了三年的戏剧,这使得 Gillian Plowman的《我和我的朋友》成为了他在LA剧院中心的处女秀。

He also made his feature-film debut, in Paul Scheuring's "36K," and studied with a classical theater company, where he did "The Misanthrope" and "Cymbeline."
在 Paul Scheuring's "36K," 里,他也开始了他的未来电影生涯并曾在一所优秀的剧院公司学习。该公司出品过"The Misanthrope" and "Cymbeline."

Harold has performed in "QAF" (which has been dubbed the gay "Sex and the City") since it debuted last year. And he soon returns to the stage, playing a homophobic man in Austin Pendleton's "Uncle Bob," which opens tomorrow at the SoHo Playhouse (15 Vandam St., at Sixth Avenue).
GALE已经在QAF(被美誉为男人版的“欲望都市”)里参演,而这部剧是从去年开始首映的。不久他回到了舞台,扮演一个在 Austin Pendleton'的"Uncle Bob”里的恐同者。"Uncle Bob"将于明天 在SOHO剧院首映。

The two-man show involves a man (Harold) and his uncle ("Oz" star George Morfogen) who is dying of AIDS, and their reflections on life.
(这是一场)两个男人包括GALE 和他那死于爱滋病的叔叔(George Morfogen扮演)和他们对生命的反省的秀。

Style: What is your personal style?
Gale: Pretty simple: stovepipe pants, cheap black glasses, used leather, rayon gabardine with lots of piping, hard woods, Spanish wine, Italian boots, loud music, long legs, big windows, salsa cruda, Republican-free futures.
G:相当简单,喇叭裤,廉价的墨镜,二手皮革,条纹上衣 ,硬材,西班牙葡萄酒,喧闹的音乐,lon长裤大窗,salsa cruda(一种墨西哥菜,调料),不喜欢共和党人。

Style: Do you enjoy dressing up?
Gale: I do. Especially if I have enough time to enjoy getting ready, like a summer night when the sun is setting late, condensation from the vodka tonic's leaving water rings on the furniture, maybe some Junior Wells on the stereo. The simple act of cinching a Windsor knot gets kinda deep.
储藏浓缩制的伏特加酒,也许会在立体音响上存放有一些Junior Wells(蓝调音乐歌手)(的碟)。象打一个Windsor式的节这么个简单的动作就会显得有点深度。

Style: What do you wear for a night out?
Gale: Usually Levi's, boots or Pumas, and a T-shirt. If I'm dressing up, maybe a sharkskin suit. Or a microdress . . .

Style: Where do you like to shop?
Gale: I buy a lot of used stuff. Toronto - where we shoot - has great vintage shops. I found a really hot '60s pinstripe suit on Queen Street with a perfect shape. It's navy with blood-red lining. Unbeatable.
Gale: 我都是买许多旧货。多伦多 - 我经常去-- 有许多老店。我在Queen Street淘到一件非常棒,很合身的59年代的条纹西装。它是藏青色,内层是是鲜红色。无与伦比。

Style: Who are some of your favorite designers?
Gale: Paul Smith, Cesare Paciotti and Patrick Antosh.
Style: 你最喜欢的设计师有谁?
Gale: Paul Smith, Cesare Paciotti 和 Patrick Antosh.

Style: Do you shop alone?
Gale: Depends. I like to shop with the wardrobe designer for the show because he knows all the right spots. It's fun to kill a few hours going through piles of arcane stuff that fires me up but that I would probably never wear.

tyle: Name an item of clothing or an accessory that you have splurged on.
Gale: I had a suit made here in Toronto [based on] this early '60s suit I found in San Francisco. [The vintage suit] was really nasty, like Carnaby Street mod-tapered and tight. I sort of destroyed it over the years, so I took it to a shop, Niagara Tailors in Little Italy, and had it reproduced.
Gale: 我有一件产自多伦多的西装,它是早期59年代的,我是在旧金山淘到了它。[旧西服]是真的很藏青色,就象是卡纳比街上的流行渐缩式和紧身装。我穿了很多年,都有点穿烂了,所以我交给在Little Italy的一家叫Niagara Tailors的小型裁缝店里修补。

Style: What do you do to relax?
Gale: Legally? Music, books, cycling. Being with friends-we're all pretty tight on the cast-is something I love to do to unwind.

Style: Do you follow a special diet?
Gale: Sort of the bastardized "Zone" - more protein than carbs, lots of greens, lots of sushi, lots of candy.
Style: 你有特殊的饮食习惯吗?
Gale: 一些不纯粹的“习惯”- -比卡路里更多蛋白质(的食物),许多蔬菜,许多寿司和糖果。

Style: What gives you substance?
Gale: My rattlesnake-skin Gideon's bible.
Style: 什么使你获得了实质(性概念)?

3 Jersey's Talking (with George Morfogen)
April 6, 2001
[courtesy of Envoi]

Della: First of all, starting with the name "Queer as Folk..."
Gale: Uhm hm.
G:Uhm hm.

Della: We've become very bold here in the year 2001 using that as a title. Tell me about the premise of this one.
Gale: Well the title uh, even though it comes across as has a double meaning...I mean, it's an old, it's an old

phrase uh, meaning that "there's nothing queer as folk," is basically the simple translation of it. Meaning that there's

nothing stranger than everyday people. Uh, the show was created in England originally with uh, by Russell Davies, and

SHOWTIME has adapted it. And it's a show about uh, gay men in Pittsburgh and their lives and...
Della: 在2001年采用这个名字,我们已经很大胆了。告诉我关于这个名字的前提。
G:名字 UH,尽管它出现是作为...它有双重含义...我意思是,这是老短语 UH,意思是同志亦常人,”是基于简单的翻译。意思是和普通人一样正常。UH,这个秀最初由英国Russell Davies创作而来,经SHOWTIME改编。它主要是讲关于同志们在Pittsburgh 的生活和。。。

Della (interrupting): In Pittsburgh? Pittsburgh gets pick, pick, picked on alot, because I lived in Pittsburgh...
Gale (interrupting): Yah well, it's just set there. We're not picking on Pittsburgh. That's where we live, and work, and play. And um, it's interesting, it's great to be working with George because um, we're both sort of on these shows on you know, pay television that uh, deal with really honest characters. And that's one of the things about our show too, it's um, showing a lifestyle that has never really been explored I don't think, you know, in a serial television way, that's extremely explicit, extremely true, and compelling, you know. It's the drama, and the story, and the truthfulness of the characters I think is what has been responsible for our show being able to survive the first season. People wanna see what happens.
Della (打断):在Pittsburgh? 选择Pittsburgh为拍摄场地,因为我就是住在Pittsburgh...
我们同是为了这SHOW,你知道,为处理人物的真实性而拍摄电视剧。这也是其中我们的SHOW所要提倡的,以一些电视的方式,展现一个从来未被探索过的生活方式的SHOW,它很明确,很真实, 很吸引人,你知道。它是一个戏剧,故事和人物的真实性使它能在第一季中幸存下来。人们想知道是怎么一回事。

Della: How realistic is your character and what do you bring to it, and how did you do your research?
Gale: Uh, my character is um of course based on a character that was already created for this other show but um, hopefully he's just as real as he can possibly be. He's a very, sort of brutally honest and somewhat iconoclastic personality. He has his version of what is his own truth and his own pursuit of happiness, which is being a totally liberated gay man in the United States with the rights and freedoms of anyone else, you know. He's not, he won't allow himself to be marginalized. So for me it's just, the writing is, is strong, is very strong, and the character is very clear and very strong so for me I mean, in terms of my performance, it's just playing him, what's on the page, because everything about him is there, and then you know, just adding nuances. George: He's an extraordinary magnet.

Della: Is he?
George: Yes, he's an extraordinary magnet.
Della: 是吗?

Della: Now I have to know. Given the sexual preferences aside, how are Brian and Gale anything alike? Or are they?
Gale: Well, it's a character. I'm an actor. I mean that's a question that we could you know, spend, you know, hours answering. I don't know exactly, I haven't figured that out yet. I mean I've figured certain things out but I'm still trying to learn this character myself and he's still being born. There are similarities that I think uh...that's the reason you get cast to play any character...because whoever is responsible for the production, they see you, and they see something about you that they want to see in this character, or they feel is there. So....
Della: 现在我不得不想知道。在性偏好方面,BRIAN和GALE是如何相似?或他们就是(一样的)吗?
Gale: Well, 这是个剧中角色。我是个演员。我意思是那是我们可以花上好几小时回答的问题。我也不是很清楚,我还没有想明白。我意思是我已经想清楚了一些但是我仍然在试着学习这个人物,我和他还只是初级阶段。我想还是有些相似的,我认为。。。那就是为什么你选演员来演任何的角色。。。因为他们被赋予了这个作品的使命,他们看着你,他们其实看着的是在剧中人物的你,或他们感觉你就在那。因此。。

Della: How much input do the two of you get in the writing and the production of the show?
George: Input? You mean...I
Della:你们两个(GALE AND George)为编剧和这出秀作出了多少贡献?

Della: I'm assuming the writers listen to some of your ideas...
George and Gale: Yeah.
George: In my case, I have done very little of that. Um, I's not that I feel squeamish about perhaps sharing some ideas...there have been a couple...but Tom has really been running with the character. And last summer my character took extraordinary turns which were unexpected to me, as the actor. Uh, I would open the script and I'd say "Oh my goodness, what is THIS?" It was an extraordinary journey I took last summer, and people agreed. They told ME it was unexpected. They couldn't believe that this character who they'd sort of put in a sort of safe place, was suddenly doing things which were, well violent.
Della: 我猜编剧听取了一些你们的建议。。。
George and Gale:是的 。
George:对我而言,我做得很少。这并不是说我对于分享我的看法感到拘谨。。。那里已经有一些。。。但是TOM真的已经把人物安排好了。去年夏天突然转变了我的角色,作为一个演员,这很出乎我的意料之外。 UH,我翻开手稿,我说“哦,我的天,这是什么?”它是我去年夏天获得的一个特别的旅行,大家都同意了。他们告诉我这是很出人意外的。他们不相信本来处在安全的角色突然做了些很暴力的事(?)

Della: But as an actor you find that challenging and exciting...and the same with you too (looking at Gale) when you get to take on a new dimension of your character.
Gale: There always, I mean, um, in my case there has been a little bit of collaboration but uh, there are still episodes that

you know, bombs get dropped and you have to recover for a moment, and then you realize that that's what it's all about. That

the challenge is something to work through. And the great thing about these changes is what it sets up for the future, you

Della: 但是作为一名演员,当你们到达一个角色的新的尺度的时候,你发现刺激和挑战。。。也和你一样(看着GALE)

Della: And at the end of the day you can go home and you can say you did a great job, the best you can.
George: Well WE can't say that, but somebody else can (laughing).
George: Well,我们不能说,其他人会(笑我们)。

Della: Okay well it's been great talking to both of you. You on "OZ" and you on "Queer as Folk." And of course we've been talking to George Morforgen...I hope I'm saying your name correctly...
George: MORfogen...
Della: Okay well很高兴和你们聊天。你在"OZ" ,你在QAF,当然已经跟George Morforgen谈了。。。我希望我把你名字说对了。,,
George: MORfogen...

Della: Morfogen, got it. And of course, Gale Harold. Thank you gentlemen. Keep up the good work.
George: Thank you very much.
Gale: Thanks, Della.
Della: Morfogen, 了解了。当然,Gale Harold. 谢谢两位。继续好好干。

4.Showtime Chat with Gale Harold
January 28, 2001

Showtime: Thanks for signing on for our chat with Gale Harold. Gale plays the bold and unapologetic Brian Kinney on "Queer as Folk." Gale's road to Hollywood has landed him on the stage, in film, and finally on Showtime starring in QAF. Ask Gale about his life before and during QAF. Welcome Gale! Let's get started!

Showtime:很感谢能请来GALE做这个访谈。GALE在QAF中扮演一个敢做敢当,从不后悔的Brian Kinney 。 Gale通往Hollywood之路让他站在了舞台上,电影,最后是SHOWTIME。在问GALE关于QAF之前,我想问一下他的生活。欢迎GALE!现在让我们开始吧 。

Gale Harold: Hello! I hope you had a good time watching the Super Bowl.
Gale Harold: 你好!我希望你能享受观看the Super Bowl。
Q: Hi Gale. Have you received a lot of positive mail from viewers?
Q: Hi Gale. 你已经收到了很多的来自观众支持的信件了吗?
Gale Harold: I haven't received any paper mail, and well, no.
Gale Harold: 我没有收到任何的信件。
Q: What is the significance of the shell bracelet? The one Brian wears when he goes "out."
Q:那个贝壳手链有什么意义么?当BRIAN XXOO的时候他都带着这个。
Gale Harold: When I was 17, I seduced and romantically exploited Jacques Cousteau, and the whole crew on the ship "The Odyssey".
Gale Harold:当我17岁时,我迷上Jacques Cousteau船长对于环保运动和一群船员一起冒险航行所做的贡献。Q: Hey Brian, how did you become part of the cast on "Queer as Folk"?
Q: Hey Brian,你是如何成为QAF中的一分子呢?
Gale Harold: Well, I guess if I'm answering as Brian then I wouldn't know, because then I'd just be this guy living in Pittsburgh. Gale says, I auditioned, and then was cast through a regular audition process. And I really, really hated it.
Gale Harold: Well, 我想要是如BRIAN的方式来回答你,(那就是)我不知道,因为我那时只是住在匹滋堡的一个人。GALE说 ,我去面试了,然后通过了剧组的合格的面试过程。我真的,真的讨厌它。
Q: Hi Gale. How would you describe each of the guys on the set? I'm sure Hal Sparks is the clown; what about everyone else including yourself?
Q: Hi Gale.你怎么描述在剧组中的每一个人呢?我确定Hal Sparks是个开心果;那其他人包括你呢 ?
Gale Harold: Well, I mean, there is a lot of clowning, I think. But there is a lot of very serious acting going on too, it gets very heavy. (laughing to self) We just sort of show up and beat the sh*t out of each other for four or five hours, and we like it.
Gale Harold: Well,我想说,那里有很多开心果,我认为。但是那也有很多严肃的表演,那很凝重。(笑)我们只是碰面,然后互相打打闹闹个四五个小时,我喜欢这样。
Q: What do you like the most about playing Brian?
Gale Harold: One of the great things about playing him is that, because of the way he has been created, and the way that he's written, I'm free to sort of just be very simple. And simply be what's on the page. And that's very freeing, you know, because then it's just about trying to feel what he would feel without having to manufacture too many reasons for every moment. He's just so clear and direct. And that can also be a little frustrating, because sometimes I feel like my main objective is to just return volleys from other characters, kind of like a racquetball court, or something. That's one of the things that's really kind of, you know. And it's fun, it's really invigorating to be such a wise ass.
Gale Harold: 扮演他让我感觉最棒的地方是那些。。。因为他已经被创造出来的正如剧本中写的东西,我可以演得很自由,尽量保持最简单的,而那些仅仅只是出现在剧本中。那是十分自由的,你知道,之后因爲那只是試著去感受他願意去感受的,不用去為每時每刻編出那麽多的理由。他只是很透明,很直接。但同時也有點累人,因爲我覺得我的主要任務就是和其他演員對戯的時候,給他們即時的反應。那真的就是那种东西,你知道。很有趣,成为那个聪明的家伙真的很爽。
Q: Where does it all takes place? Do you do all your shooting in Pittsburgh, or do they take place somewhere else? Where would I go to see you act and/or meet the cast?
Q: 所有的都是在哪拍摄的?你们都是在匹滋堡那完成的吗,还没有选其他地方拍?我能在哪里碰到你们排戏或遇到剧组呢?
Gale Harold: It's all taking place on a sound stage at the White House. And that's one of the few things that George W. is going to allow us to keep from the previous administration. Because he's a real pal!
Gale Harold:所有的拍摄都是在白宫的摄影棚(完成的)。其中一件事是George W.打算允许我们阻止先前的管理。因为他真的是好哥们!

Q: I think you are totally great in your role as Brian. I hope that the series goes well past its 22-episode run, as it touches a lot of people's lives. My question is, are you and the rest of the cast willing to stay on if it becomes a regular series?
Gale Harold: Yeah. The answer is that all of us, when you take the audition process to a certain point, you know that you're attempting to be cast in a project that could potentially have, with success, could have a lifespan of years, maybe. And you know that when you are going through the process, and that's part of the decision to even go to a certain part. We all of us love the project, and we were hoping to be cast, and hoping our involvement in the show would contribute to a successful audience response, and be the cause of subsequent seasons, and then the clowns came rushing in, and put a gun to my head.
Gale Harold: Yeah. 这个答案应该让大家来回答,当你在试镜过程中到达某程度,你知道你正在为这个有潜力的项目而努力,也许它会成功地持续几年。而且你知道,當你參與了整個過程之後,那也是決定能不能進行下一步的一部分。我们都爱这个项目,我们都希望成为其中一员,希望我们的加入能给带给观众良好的反映,由于在接下来的几季(拍摄),一些可笑的人闯进来,拿着枪指着我的头。
Q: How difficult is it for you to keep a straight face during some of the more intimate scenes/dialogue? Has anyone completely lost it and halted shooting for more than a few seconds?
Gale Harold: Yeah! Well, I think cracking up, when you are shooting an intimate scene (if what is being implied here is a sex scene; Brian doesn't really have any love scenes yet) if you break up, I try not to do that because it might be conceived as insulting to the person I am working with. But other than that, we are cracking up all the time. But you are looking at someone with longing, and then realize, they have some crap in their eye, or you hear a strange sound, and look away. It's like life.
Gale Harold:是的!WELL,我感覺在拍親密場景的時候會笑出來(這裡說的應該性愛場景,Brian還沒有過戀愛場景)。如果停不下來,我盡量試著不那樣做,因爲有可能會冒犯到和我一起工作的人。但除了這個,我們經常笑場。但是有時候你看到某人嚴重充滿期望,你就意識到,他們在使壞想讓你笑(或者他們忍不住要笑了),或者你聽到一個奇怪的聲響,就把臉轉過去。那就好像生活...
Q: You are the best actor of all time! You are great! Which episode has been your favorite so far?

Gale Harold: If I answer the question, does that mean I'm agreeing with you? (smiling) The episode that's my favorite hasn't been shown yet, so I can't give it away.
Gale Harold: 如果要我回答这个问题,那不是说我承认(你的说法)了吗?(笑)最喜欢的一场还没出现,因此我不能泄露。

Q: Did you read the reviews and letters in today's New York Times, and if so what is your comment about the criticism of your show being too shallow and stereotypical?

Gale Harold: I haven't read the reviews and letters. But, my sort of meaningless response would be "stereotypical of what?" Anything could be stereotypical, so I guess it could be criticism. Criticism is a surreal state, like a good drug gone bad.  When it's bad you wish it would stop, and when it's good, you can't get enough. Did they say it's shallow as a wading pool, or shallow as an open grave? And I guess the kicker of the whole thing is, I can't read. But I'm working on it.
Gale Harold:我還沒讀這些評論和信件。但是,我的无意义的回應會是“什麽東西老套了”? 任何東西都可以變的老套,所以我猜那就是一種批評。批評是個超現實主義的東西,就像是良藥變坏了。當它是坏了,你就希望它能停下來;當它是好的時候,你又覺得不夠。他們有沒有說這部戯是淺得像淺水池呢,還是淺得像空的墓穴?所以我想能改變這整件事的細節就是,我不能讀(這些評論和信件)。但是我會盡量吸取建議和意見好好做的。[color]

Q: Do you find this role artistically satisfying?

Gale Harold: It's satisfying, yeah. There's a lot of things about it that are kind of interesting from varying perspectives, one of the things being that it's television, and it's kind of not the medium I expected to find myself working in. And with the success of things like "Oz" and "Sopranos" and now this thing coming out, this "Six Feet Under" thing, it's great to be involved in this cable format, even though it is a pay television format. It's really exciting to be involved in it, working in the medium of television, but doing something that doesn't make me cringe, because that, to me, is what is shallow. So, whatever the final impact of this show is, and how it is received, and whether people feel that it's meaningful and/or stereotypical, shallow, or whatever else, at least what I am feeling every morning when I wake up and go to work, and am presented with the scripts and the actors and the storylines, they are all good, it's all quality. And I realize that because of the nature of the characters and the nature of the subject matter a lot of people are going to have strong opinions, and that's satisfying, to be working on something that is  dialogue and response. I get the sense that people are really motivated to say something because they are feeling something. It's not just bland sort of rehashing what we were wearing, or whatever.
Gale Harold: 那是令人满意的,是的。那里有许多东西,它从不同的视角来看是很有趣的,其中一点就是它是一档电视剧,而且它并不是我那时想要工作的媒体。还有和一些成功的剧如"Oz" 和 "Sopranos"之类的,现在都出现(在屏幕上)了,象“六尺足下”这部即使是收费节目,但在这类剧中是很棒的。我很高兴能够参与进来,在电视媒体工作,但是我不会做些阿谀奉承的事,因为那些才是肤浅的东西。因此,不管这秀最后反映如何,它如何被接受,人们是否觉得有意义或俗套,肤浅,或别的什么,至少那是我每天早晨醒来去工作,伴随着我的都是非常棒的剧本,演员和故事主线,这是所感受到的东西。我意识到那是因为角色的自然和(激发出)很多人对这类主题大有看法(所表现出来的)本能,那是让人满足的,去设法说服那些被激怒了的回应和对话。我感觉到人们想要说些什么那是因为他们正在感受这些东西。这并不是乏味地对于我们的看法旧调重弹,或其他什么。

Q: Hi Gale, saw you in the Aztec commercial. Have you done any other commercials? Q: Hi Gale, 看见你在拍Aztec广告。你曾经有拍过广告吗?

Gale Harold: Oh, that wasn't me. A lot of people get us confused. That was my brother.
Gale Harold: Oh,那不是我 。很多人都很困惑。那是我弟弟。

Q: Hi Gale, I think you're an amazing actor! Do you plan on making more movies in the future?
Q: Hi Gale,我认为你很棒!你有计划在以后拍更多的电影吗?

Gale Harold: I plan on it. And I hope other people plan on it as well, because our plans must coexist in a state of symbiotic fatality.
Gale Harold:我在计划着。我希望其他人最好也计划一下,因为我们的计划必须是大家一起共同(努力实现)的。

Q: Gale, is it your choice not to do TV or print interviews right now? I've been searching for interviews and/or articles on you.
Q: Gale,你现在不拍电视或不出版采访,这是你的选择吗?我正在找你的采访或评论文章。

Gale Harold: Yeah, well, I'm saving it up because I'm doing a live appearance at the White House with George Bush Sr. and I didn't want to let the air out of it. I wanted it to hit really hard. We are going to be arm wrestling.
Gale Harold: 是 的, well,我保留着呢,因为我正在白宫和 George Bush总统会面,我不想被太多人关注。我想讓這次會面能夠有超大影響,我們會挀腕子。

Q: If you hadn't been successful obtaining this role, where would you be now? Q: 如果你当时没有成功地获得(出演)这个角色(的机会),你现在会在哪?

Gale Harold: I'd be in a crawl space under a house in Glendale, trying to fix a floor joist on the house that would probably be really screwed up. I don't know! I'm happy I got the job, I feel extremely lucky, I know they auditioned a lot of people for all the roles. I would probably be doing theater work with the company I worked with in Los Angeles, and going on auditions. And watching "Queer As Folk" and being really depressed that I wasn't on the show.
Gale Harold:我会在Glendale的一所房子下面的通道吧,试图修复可能会塌的地板搁栅。我不知道!我很高兴我获得了这个工作,我真是太幸运了,我知道他们为所有的角色面试了很多人。我本来或许在LA的戏剧公司那工作,然后继续去面试。干巴巴地看着没有我参与的QAF。

Q: You have such a beautiful intensity of spirit on screen--such a pleasure to watch. What motivates you as an artist?

Gale Harold: Wow, that was really nice! Music, I use music a lot to kind of inspire myself. I listen to a lot of different kinds of stuff. Lately I've been getting into this William Orbit record, from '99. It's called "Pieces in a Modern Style." I think it came out in '99; it's been out for a while. I use music, and that's one thing I've been listening to a lot lately. And I think this situation is really good, because sort of the relationships of people in the cast, and a lot of the crew, and the writers, there is a lot of good, positive sort of energetic interplay going on. And a lot of times, I get my own motivations for myself off the set, and then I get a lot of motivation from the people I'm working with. And I think that's kind of unique, and a fortunate situation for everyone.
Gale Harold: Wow, 那时真的很棒!音乐,我听很多音乐来鼓励我自己。我听许多种不同类型的(音乐)。最近我已经迷上了William Orbit 来自99年的唱片。它叫"Pieces in a Modern Style."我想它是在 99年发行的,已经有一段历史了。我利用音乐,那就是我最近一直在听很多音乐(的原因)。我想这种状态真的很棒,因为一些和剧组成员,全体员工,和编剧之间的交往,那里有许多好的,积极的动力不断影响着。有许多次,我感到自己是特别的,对每个人来说这是个幸运的状况。

Q: If you won an Emmy, who would you thank?

Gale Harold: Well, I'd thank Emmy, right? And I'd thank George Bush, of course. I don't think it would ever happen. Or maybe I should just say "The President," hee hee.
Gale Harold: Well, 我要感谢艾美奖,不是吗?我当然要感谢 George Bush。我认为这不会发生。也许我应该说“总统”

Q: Have you done modeling?
Q: 你们已经完工了吗?

Gale Harold: No.
Gale Harold:没有。

Q: It's obvious you are very talented, as I find myself reacting to the television. Where did you train? Did you go to school, and where?
Q: 当我融入电视剧情时,我发现你很有才能。你是在哪里培训的?你去过学校培训吗,在哪?

Gale Harold: No, I never went to school. I wasn't allowed to. I had to stay home and work on the farm. I mean, the pharmacy.
Gale Harold: 没有,我从来没去过学校(培训)。我不能去。我不得不呆在家,在农地里干活。我意思是,药房。
Q: Are there any projects you currently working on?

Gale Harold: No. Sadly, no. Only "Queer As Folk" which is keeping me very busy. Although I am not giving up hope.
Gale Harold:没有。可惜没有。只有QAF让我很忙。尽管我一直盼望着。

Q: Congratulations on handling this challenging role so well. Hal has said in interviews that he found preparing to kiss another man much like preparing to kiss a dog. How did you approach this part of your job?
Q: 祝贺你能挑战这个角色成功。Hal曾在采访中说他发现准备和另一个男人KISS,就好象在准备和狗KISS。你是如何处理这部分的工作的?

Gale Harold: Well, I've been making out with dogs since I was three years old, so I really couldn't use that, it didn't bring me any sort of inspiration. In fact, I get bored when I think of dogs these days. I just approach it by, having my connection to my character. As an actor, I have what I try and maintain connections to his feelings, and his emotions, and his desires. And, Brian is very highly sexual and passionate in his own way, and that is what I am trying to feel, within myself. I try. My goal is to be real, whether I am having a conversation with someone, or just reacting to someone, a lot of the time, standing off to the side, giving a dirty look. It doesn't matter, it's part of the character's life, and that's my job; that's the exhilarating part of being an actor. To travel in someone else's mind and body, so I just try and feel it, and that's how I prepare.
Gale Harold: Well,自从我3岁时我就和很多小狗一起玩耍,因此我真的无法用这个给我带来一些灵感。实际上,当这些天一想到狗,我就会觉得无聊。我只是按部就班,和我的角色联系在一起。作为演员,我要试图去拥有和保持跟他的感受,感情,和他的渴望的联系。BRIAN是个性欲很旺盛,以他自己的方式充满热情,这就是我一直试图去感受的东西,去融入他。我在尝试。我的目的是要真实的,不管我和谁正在谈话或对谁有反应,很长时间,要旁若无人,表现出好色的样子。这没什么,这就是角色生活的一部分,也是我的工作。那是成为演员的一个另人愉快的经历。为了在其他人的思想和身体间探索,因此我只是努力去感受它,那就是我如何去准备的。
Q: For Gale Harold, how long does it take to film a show from beginning to end?

Q:Gale Harold,你拍这个SHOW从头到尾花了多长时间啊?

Gale Harold: We shoot an episode in seven days. So, that's typically the schedule. Sometimes we have technical problems, or there are other reasons, but normally, seven days. And seven days is not a long time to get done as much as we do. We have an amazingly hardworking crew that helps us survive here in the White House, where we live. And pray.
Gale Harold:我们在7天内拍一集。因此,那是典型的进度计划。有时会有技术问题或其他原因,但是一般的是7天。7天对于我们的完成的进度而言算快了。我们有着一支超级不辞辛劳的工作人员,他们在我们住的白宫那帮我们解决寝食问题。

Q: How is the community in Canada, as far as the taping of the show? Have you had any problems?

Gale Harold: No. No, it's been great. The people here are very, very cool. I had never even been to Canada before I got this job. Toronto is a great city. It's great to be off on location, I mean, I know it's not the same for everyone on the cast. But just in terms of being away from home, it's harder on some than it is on me to be away from home, but for me, I enjoy being on extended location, and I really like it here, even though it's F-ing cold, it's great!
Gale Harold: 没有,一切都很棒。这里的人都很不错。在我获得这个工作之前我从来没有在加拿大呆过。多伦多是个很棒的城市。住在这里很棒,我意思是,我知道在剧组中这对每个人都是不一样的。但是只是按照离家这一方面来说的话,某些方面要比我离家更艰难,但是对于我,我享受着这种长期的居住,我真的喜欢这,即使这里TMD冷,但还是很棒!

Q: What do you consider Brian's primary motivation?
Q: 你有想过BRIAN的初步动机是什么吗?

Gale Harold: To be the best Christian he can be. And to set a good example for all the impressionable young gangsters that might take his message the wrong way.
Gale Harold:他可以成为最棒的基督徒。为那些可能误会他的敏感的年轻歹徒树立好的榜样。

Q: Does this role let you express emotions that you would normally not get to express in everyday life?

Gale Harold: I think it allows me to express personality traits that I wouldn't be allowed to express in every day life. Maybe not allowed. It's the self-censoring apparatus of human consciousness, social correctness, political correctness, whatever, that Brian just doesn't give a sh*t about. That's one of the wonderful things about his character, that makes him fun and engaging for me to play, is the way he was created, even based on Stuart, the original character. I think the seeds were there, and I know Dan and Ron, the writers for the American version, their vision for Brian is that one of the primary facets of his character is that he has this utter disregard for social perceptions. And in the interest of honesty, no matter what he does that people may or may not consider appropriate, he's honest, according to his own iron clad version of the truth. And within that ideology, he just doesn't take any bullsh*t, and I'm not the kind of person that will. Even if I'm sensitive enough to know it about someone else, I'm not the kind of person to call it as I see it without holding back, the way he does. That's the kind of thing that I get to do as Brian that's encouraged, and even, they give me food when I do it, because they want me to do it again. But as far as emotions, I think Brian has got all the emotional problems of any highly self-conscious drug-addled disco freak.
Gale Harold:我认为它让我表达了我平时不被允许表达的个人特性。也许不被允许。这是个人类意识,社会正确性,政治正确性的自我审视仪器,不管如何,BRIAN一点也不在乎这些。这就是他其中之一的人格魅力,那让他变得有趣,促使我想去演绎。他被创造出来的个性是基于Stuart这个原型。我认为原因在那里,我了解美版编剧 Dan 和 Ron,他们想要诠释的BRIAN的主要个性之一是让他对于社会观的全然漠视。为了诚实,他做了那些人们可能表示感激或不会感激他的事,他是诚实的,根据他自己对于真相的个人看法。在他的意识里,他没有任何废话。我不是那种人,以后也不会是。即使我足够敏感去了解其他人的这个(个性),我不是像他那種看到什麽就說什麽不做任何保留的人。這些事我可以借由Brian這個角色做出來而且會得到鼓勵,他們甚至在我這麽做的時候給我吃的,因爲他們想讓我再來一次。

Q: Brian is a complex character. Did you or do you know "where he is" as a person before filming, were you told, or did you find the character yourself?
Q: BRIAN 是一个复杂的角色。在拍摄之前,你那时或现在是否知道“他的定位”,你被告知,还是你自己去发现这个角色的呢?

Gale Harold: I had a few conversations with the writers about that, but very minimal, in terms of the time or the depth. And to be honest, the way that things worked, from the time that I got the job, I was told that I had the job, which is on a Thursday around noon, I was in Toronto shooting on the following Tuesday. So in terms of preparation, it was whatever I could figure out, between packing, traveling, wardrobe fittings, etc. I have ideas now. It's strange, because trying to go back in time to those early episodes in terms of where I was as an actor and where Brian was by watching those episodes and now, trying to go back and piece in the bits of his life that I didn't have a chance to comprehend at the beginning of this project, it's really surreal. It's like recovering from amnesia, kind of, and trying to use the scripts, and what we have already shot as clues to build it, because I feel like I kind of "woke up," and was running through a hospital, or having sex with Justin, and then the pieces of Brian's life that you don't see on the show are still sort of arranging themselves.
Gale Harold: 我和编剧聊天时谈起过这些,但从时间或深度的方面来说谈得很少。坦白讲,自从我获得工作的那刻,我在星期二中午左右被告知我得到了这个工作,我那时正在多伦多为下个周二做准备。因此我为我能想到的东西,做了充分的准备,比如打包,旅行用品,橱内衣服。我现在知道了。 這很奇怪,因爲試著現在去回顧最先幾集,劇中我作爲演員是怎麽樣的表現,劇中的Brian又是怎麽樣;試著回去把他的生活拼湊起來,而在製作的早期我並沒有领会,这真的很超现实的。就好像從健忘症中恢復,試著利用劇本和我們已經拍攝的東西作爲綫索來構建,因爲我感覺是我“醒過來了”,然後在醫院裏奔跑,或正和JUSTIN做爱,然后你们未曾在SHOW中看到的BRIAN的生活片段仍然是几分他们自己的安排。

Q: For Gale Harold, did you know any of your co-actors before getting together to do QAF?
Q: Gale Harold,在你和其他演员一起合作演QAF之前,你知不知道他们呢?

G: No, I didn't. Of course, I knew who Sharon was. And I had seen Hal. It all kind of started to come to me after we read together. After we read together, it was like another kind of amnesia thing. I had seen him on "Talk Soup," I just couldn't remember where or when.
G:不,我那时不知道。当然,我知道Sharon(演DEBBIE) 是谁。我不认识HAL。在我们一起读(剧本)时才开始(认识)的。在这之后,又象是另一种健忘症一样的东西 。我曾看见他在"Talk Soup" (一部电视剧)出现过,我只是不记得是什么时候在哪里(见过他)了。(还有最后一部分,未完待续)

[ 本帖最后由 elingelingeling 于 2008-8-8 14:13 编辑 ]
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-17 17:03

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 17:11     标题: 回复 2# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 17:13


[ 本帖最后由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-17 17:15 编辑 ]
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-17 17:27     标题: 回复 4# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 17:39     标题: 回复 5# 的帖子

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-17 19:54

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-17 20:03     标题: 回复 6# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 20:07     标题: 回复 7# 的帖子

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:17     标题: there's a whole vast range of people who have Brianed you


应该是有很多人把你Brian化了  吧
作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:19     标题: elingelingeling




作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 20:21     标题: 回复 11# 的帖子

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:41


作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 20:44

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:49

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:50




作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-17 20:50



作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 20:55     标题: 回复 17# 的帖子

作者: michelle22    时间: 2008-7-17 20:57

看到他对R的PP的解释感觉还挺有意思的!   salt? 亏他想的出来的答案  
还坚果呢 !   呵呵  
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 20:59     标题: 回复 19# 的帖子

现在的采访,我所看到的都是2001年的,后面的 还真没见过~~~~~:s29
作者: michelle22    时间: 2008-7-17 21:19

恩 有些同人文写的还真不错的  可以圆一圆你在剧中等待不到的结果  还有些细节描写的真的像是在看剧一样!
作者: yanshu210    时间: 2008-7-17 21:22

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 21:42     标题: 回复 21# 的帖子

作者: michelle22    时间: 2008-7-17 22:00

可以啊  上次跟你说的QAF第6季那个续写的就不错啊
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-17 22:04

Silent All These Years   by tangstory 这篇很红,是真人同人讲GR的,有看过没呀?
作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-18 07:54


基本算不上qaf 的粉丝吧……
作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-18 07:55


作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-18 07:56


作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 08:03     标题: 回复 28# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 08:06     标题: 回复 28# 的帖子

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-18 08:17

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-18 09:13

:s37 :s37 :s37
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 09:36

作者: jiminstates    时间: 2008-7-18 09:44

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 09:44     标题: 回复 33# 的帖子

呵呵,放心,一定会把BJ翻译得让你心神荡漾,哇卡卡:s41 :s41
作者: jiminstates    时间: 2008-7-18 09:51

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 10:02     标题: 回复 36# 的帖子

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 10:14     标题: 回复 35# 的帖子

虐心、甜蜜、H,请你自由地,自由地……翻译吧。:s41 :s41 :s41
作者: jiminstates    时间: 2008-7-18 10:36

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-18 10:02 发表

作者: melonliu    时间: 2008-7-18 17:21

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-18 17:24

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 17:46     标题: 回复 41# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:15     标题: 回复 41# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:25     标题: 回复 41# 的帖子

呵呵,WHISPER:估计里面有翻得很不到位的地方,你就跟我私底下说 好了,哈哈。。。千万不要让别人知道哦(脸红ING)。。。。。:s47
作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-18 18:31

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-18 18:25 发表
呵呵,WHISPER:估计里面有翻得很不到位的地方,你就跟我私底下说 好了,哈哈。。。千万不要让别人知道哦(脸红ING)。。。。。:s47

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:34     标题: 回复 45# 的帖子

什么,该不会看了偶的译文气得PASS OUT?
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 18:34

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-18 18:36

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-18 18:34 发表
什么,该不会看了偶的译文气得PASS OUT?


作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:37     标题: 回复 47# 的帖子

嘿嘿(奸笑ING),DEAR   小LU。。。。你希望我是男还是女的捏????:s04
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:40     标题: 回复 48# 的帖子

呵呵,I AM JOKING ,我就知道你又通宵类,改天做一顿鸡汤给你补补好了。。。。。偶手艺不错的说。。。。。脸红ING。。。:s47
作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-18 18:45

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-18 18:40 发表
呵呵,I AM JOKING ,我就知道你又通宵类,改天做一顿鸡汤给你补补好了。。。。。偶手艺不错的说。。。。。脸红ING。。。:s47

Chicken soup...我老感動的...
是不是Debbie的home-made recipe...
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 18:53     标题: 回复 51# 的帖子

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 19:07

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-18 18:37 发表
嘿嘿(奸笑ING),DEAR   小LU。。。。你希望我是男还是女的捏????:s04

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 19:18     标题: 回复 53# 的帖子

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 20:28     标题: 回复 54# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 20:35     标题: 回复 55# 的帖子

嘿嘿,但是偶的精神年龄觉得比你大,不是吗????:s31 算了,在下去,真是新一代歪楼王了。。。。
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 20:39     标题: 回复 56# 的帖子

作者: crazycat    时间: 2008-7-18 20:43

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-18 20:45     标题: 回复 57# 的帖子

偶今天都累惨类,还让偶翻,那个男的是主持人请GALE 和他来做采访的。他是在另一个电视剧中。。。。两人没多大交集的 。。。。找采访也很郁闷,我今天翻了好几篇,都翻了四分之一,才发现都是跟QAF无关,讲什么GALE的电影,戏剧之类 的,不知道你们对这种的感不感兴趣了。。。:s35
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-18 21:00     标题: 回复 59# 的帖子

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 09:34


GH: "Salty. He's a fairly hygenic person I would think. Not like saltines, more like a neck.

A little cumin I guess."
GH: “咸的。我想他卫生习惯很好。这不象咸化饼干,更象是NECK(?)。我想是种芹果(的味道)。

這裡…neck我想可能就是脖子的意思吧…或者…neck也有blowjob的意思…I don't know, really...

Well, how about this question; are you a monogamist or sleaze?


Peter Paige told me of the cast's "no fucking" rule. However, he did admit that extras have

been getting busy during backroom scenes. Have you witnessed love and drama on the set?
Peter Paige告诉我关于剧组的“禁止FUCK”规则。然而,他曾承认也有例外的,在拍BACKROOM那戏的时



作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 09:38

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 09:42     标题: 回复 61# 的帖子

作者: 潼    时间: 2008-7-19 09:44

G:相当简单,喇叭裤,廉价的墨镜,二手皮革,条纹上衣 ,硬材,西班牙葡萄酒,喧闹的音乐,long legs(?),大窗,salsa cruda(?)盼望自由民主党。
作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 09:45     标题: 回复 63# 的帖子

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-19 10:02

作者: hpl    时间: 2008-7-19 10:05

要不要翻一下這一篇啊!Face-to-Face with Gale Harold... ... &extra=page%3D1
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-19 10:19     标题: 回复 67# 的帖子

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 10:39     标题: 看完第二篇...

Gale Harold plays a homosexual heartthrob in the Showtime series "Queer as folk," a role he does so convincingly that many viewers wonder about Harold's real-life orientation. But the thirty something actor refuses to reveal any details on his sexuality. He has many fans in the gay community as well as many women supporters so, he prefers to remain mysterious rather than disillusion anyone.
Gale Harold在SHOWTIME连续剧QAF中饰演一个同志情人,他把剧中角色演绎得很有说服力,使大量观众想知道关于GALE的真实生活的定位。但是有 一半的男演员拒绝暴露关于他们性向的细节。他在同志圈拥有很多粉丝,也有很多女性支持者。因此,他更想保持神秘感,而不想向大家坦白。

“real-life orientation” 真實性向
disillusion anyone 讓任何人幻想破滅
thirty something actor指的是這個三十幾嵗的男演員

He also made his feature-film debut, in Paul Scheuring's "36K," and studied with a classical theater company, where he did "The Misanthrope" and "Cymbeline."
在 Paul Scheuring's "36K," 里,他也开始了他的未来电影生涯并曾在一所优秀的剧院公司学习。该公司出品过"The Misanthrope" and "Cymbeline."


Style: What is your personal style?
Gale: Pretty simple: stovepipe pants, cheap black glasses, used leather, rayon gabardine with lots of piping, hard woods, Spanish wine, Italian boots, loud music, long legs, big windows, salsa cruda, Republican-free futures.
G:相当简单,喇叭裤,廉价的墨镜,二手皮革,条纹上衣 ,硬材,西班牙葡萄酒,喧闹的音乐,long legs(?),大窗,salsa cruda(?)盼望自由民主党。

long legs可能就是長腿吧,或者是長褲;salsa cruda好像是种墨西哥的菜、調料;Republican-free應該是他不太喜歡共和黨人

Style: Do you enjoy dressing up?
Gale: I do. Especially if I have enough time to enjoy getting ready, like a summer night when the sun is setting late, condensation from the vodka tonic's leaving water rings on the furniture, maybe some Junior Wells on the stereo. The simple act of cinching a Windsor knot gets kinda deep.
储藏浓缩制的伏特加酒,也许有些Junior Wells在立体音响上。象打一个Windsor式的节这么个简单的动作就会显得有点深度。

Junior Wells是一個Blues的歌手
Style: Name an item of clothing or an accessory that you have splurged on.
Gale: I had a suit made here in Toronto [based on] this early '60s suit I found in San Francisco. [The vintage suit] was really nasty, like Carnaby Street mod-tapered and tight. I sort of destroyed it over the years, so I took it to a shop, Niagara Tailors in Little Italy, and had it reproduced.
Gale: 我有一件产自多伦多的西装,它是早期59年代的,我是在旧金山淘到了它。[旧西服]是真的很藏青色,就象是卡纳比街上的流行渐缩式和紧身装。我穿了很多年,都有点穿烂了,所以我交给一家意大利的小型裁缝店里的师傅Niagara Tailors修补。

Niagara Tailors 店名,Little Italy 是紐約的一條街,或者是其他什麽地方…反正不是意大利…

Style: What do you do to relax?
Gale: Legally? Music, books, cycling. Being with friends-we're all pretty tight on the cast-is something I love to do to unwind.

We’re all pretty tight on the cast. 應該是演員之間關係都滿親密的吧

Style: Do you follow a special diet?
Gale: Sort of the bastardized "Zone" - more protein than carbs, lots of greens, lots of sushi, lots of candy.
Style: 你有固定追求一种特别的食物吗?
Gale: 一些不纯粹的“地方”- -比汽化器更多蛋白质(的食物),许多绿色食品,许多寿司和糖果。


Style: What gives you substance?
Gale: My rattlesnake-skin Gideon's bible.
Style: 什么使你获得了实质(性概念)?

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 10:49

啊。。。。要改太多地方拉。 。。。。CRYING。。。。。:s37 幸好下一篇私下交流了,否则出来真是不堪入目拉。哈哈
作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 10:55

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-19 10:49 发表
啊。。。。要改太多地方拉。 。。。。CRYING。。。。。:s37 幸好下一篇私下交流了,否则出来真是不堪入目拉。哈哈

LOL:s40 :s40
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 11:05     标题: 回复 71# 的帖子

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-19 14:26

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-19 14:28

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 14:39     标题: 回复 74# 的帖子

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 18:46

到底怎麽樣才能讓這麽多字不這麽花涅...:s45 :s45
作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-19 19:01

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-19 19:01



作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-19 19:04

原帖由 团长Alex 于 2008-7-19 19:01 发表



作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-19 19:30     标题: 回复 79# 的帖子

作者: 叶上开    时间: 2008-7-19 19:36



GH: (pause) "You think I'm going to answer that question after not telling any tidbits? I can't give that up, it's too early. I'm not playing my hand that soon, no way. I'm saving it. There's no fucking way. We'll talk again."

GH: (停顿) “你认为我会在没有告诉任何的报道之后回答你这个问题吗?我不会放弃的,那太早了。我还不打算那么快定下来,绝不可能。我还是保留。那他妈的不可能。我们以后再谈。

Peter Paige told me of the cast's "no fucking" rule. However, he did admit that extras have been getting busy during backroom scenes. Have you witnessed love and drama on the set?

Peter Paige告诉我关于剧组的“禁止FUCK”规则。然而,在拍BACKROOM那戏的时候,有临时演员正忙着(XXOO)。在那场景,你有目击到吗?

GH: "I've seen it, just be assured that any time there's a hot sexual environment; where there's smoke there's fire."


And what do you folk hope or expect queer viewers to get out of the show? And do you expect any ogling?


GH: (pause) "You think I'm going to answer that question after not telling any tidbits? I can't give that up, it's too early. I'm not playing my hand that soon, no way. I'm saving it. There's no fucking way. We'll talk again."

GH: (停顿) “你认为我会在没有告诉任何的报道之后回答你这个问题吗?我不会放弃的,那太早了。我还不打算那么快定下来,绝不可能。我还是保留。那他妈的不可能。我们以后再谈。

Peter Paige told me of the cast's "no fucking" rule. However, he did admit that extras have been getting busy during backroom scenes. Have you witnessed love and drama on the set?

Peter Paige告诉我关于剧组的“禁止FUCK”规则。然而,在拍BACKROOM那戏的时候,有临时演员正忙着(XXOO)。在那场景,你有目击到吗?

GH: "I've seen it, just be assured that any time there's a hot sexual environment; where there's smoke there's fire."


And what do you folk hope or expect queer viewers to get out of the show? And do you expect any ogling?


作者: 叶上开    时间: 2008-7-19 19:38

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-19 19:39     标题: 回复 81# 的帖子

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-20 06:18

作者: 团长Alex    时间: 2008-7-20 07:13



作者: michelle22    时间: 2008-7-20 07:52

作者: 行云流水    时间: 2008-7-20 10:07

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-20 13:31

:s37 :s37 :s37
作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-20 13:34     标题: 回复 88# 的帖子

十大文长不长呀。。。。我考虑看看,你是更期待采访捏还是 十大文呀??:s36
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-20 17:13     标题: 回复 89# 的帖子

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-20 17:15     标题: 回复 89# 的帖子

作者: levon    时间: 2008-7-20 17:17     标题: 回复 90# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-20 17:18     标题: 回复 90# 的帖子

作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-20 17:26     标题: 回复 93# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-20 17:36     标题: 回复 91# 94#的帖子

levon ,偶就等翻完后面的第四篇再帮你翻十大文吧,呵呵。。。
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-20 17:42     标题: 回复 95# 的帖子

作者: elingelingeling    时间: 2008-7-20 17:47     标题: 回复 96# 的帖子

好D,你就不怕我翻成十大天下第一狗血+色情BJ文吗?这么放心我的说 ??
作者: lulu_bj    时间: 2008-7-20 17:57     标题: 回复 97# 的帖子

作者: ziggy19    时间: 2008-7-20 18:19

原帖由 elingelingeling 于 2008-7-20 17:36 发表
levon ,偶就等翻完后面的第四篇再帮你翻十大文吧,呵呵。。。
小LU,你居然一个人到外面去逍遥快活去拉。。。也不给我们犒劳犒劳点什么,还有脸回 ...

我今天都沒幫到你什麽:s37 :s37
我已經看那些字幕看得:s45 :s45
到現在還沒BJ的sex scene...不活啦...

Gale Harold: I haven't read the reviews and letters. But, my sort of meaningless response would be "stereotypical of what?" Anything could be stereotypical, so I guess it could be criticism. Criticism is a surreal state, like a good drug gone bad.  When it's bad you wish it would stop, and when it's good, you can't get enough. Did they say it's shallow as a wading pool, or shallow as an open grave? And I guess the kicker of the whole thing is, I can't read. But I'm working on it.
Gale Harold: 我还没有读到这样的评论和信件。但是,我的一些无意义的回应又是什么的老套呢?”任何东西本来就是俗套的,所以我想那本身就是批判。批判是一个超现实主义的陈述,就象是一过期的良药。当它变得糟糕,你希望阻止它(继续恶化),当它变得不错,你又不满足。他们是把这种肤浅当作浅水池,或当作一坐开掘的坟墓?我想整件事情就是,我不可能去拜读。但是我会设法说服它。

我還沒讀這些評論和信件。但是,(真要我回應的話)我那些無意義的回應會是“什麽東西老套了”? 任何東西都可以變的老套,所以我猜那就是一種批評。批評是個超現實主義的東西,就像是良藥變坏了。當它是坏了,你就希望它能停下來;當它是好的時候,你又覺得不夠。他們有沒有說這部戯是淺得像淺水池呢,還是淺得像空的墓穴?所以我想能改變這整件事的細節就是,我不能讀(這些評論和信件)。但是我會盡量吸取建議和意見好好做的。


[ 本帖最后由 ziggy19 于 2008-7-20 18:34 编辑 ]
作者: 赤芍    时间: 2008-7-20 18:22

小E好勤奋   19火眼金睛
小E加19   搭配得好出彩

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