Sure, I wouldn't mind in the least. Thanks for reading!
"geniusxyliu@hotmail.com" <geniusxyliu@hotmail.com> wrote:
hey! i read through ur 'Unwanted Thoughts' and i'm just wondering if it's possible for me to tranlate it into Chinese-it's so nice that i just wish more people can share it as well!thank you for ur time! This message was sent to you from BJFic.net located at http://www.bjfic.net/main.
在308以前这一段从开始看第三遍以后,向来是用跳跃式行进来观摩,即使知道这不过是一个小插曲,不过是为了BRIAN 和JUSTIN 更好地找到相处的方式的小小迂回,但总是怀着隐忍的心情,特别看到B大叔一个人在LOFT看着爱情老电影,昏暗而暧昧的光影,JUSTIN偶然的造访,BRI默默地重复那经典爱情对白,可怜的孩子,他是认真学习所谓 LOVE ,SUNSHINE喜欢的浪漫,别扭的大B,~~ By the way 很喜欢这种短句风格,利落而干净,哈哈作者: felice 时间: 2009-7-21 00:40