James Dean顶着一头蓬松的乱发,叼着香烟,穿着牛仔裤、夹克、T恤衫,拖着犹疑而茫然的步子走进了好莱坞,以一股近乎粗野的原始力量击中了彷徨的青年敏感的神经:他徘徊在成人社会的边缘,迷惘地找寻伊甸园的入口,眼底的幽怨折射出涉世的创痛;他以冰冷漠然的目光挑衅刻板世俗,用无因的反抗证明叛逆是青春的原色。或许是第一次,青少年找到了能够与之认同的偶像,逐渐麻木的生命力被唤醒,他们寻回了一种丢失已久的对自身的信仰与解放。
Woo...the name of James Dean that I had heard...I knew he's a bad boy, he's cool and he died in very young age, but his own history...sorry, I did not have many detail information; furthermore, I do not agree Brian's very alike him (might be a part look like him...both of them're bad boys....but just a little part).作者: 卡拉马佐夫兄弟 时间: 2012-1-17 14:44