Justin叹了口气,遗憾地点点头,“你离开几分钟后,我开始担心你去了哪里。然后,外面突然传来什么东西从屋顶上掉下来的巨响。我开始狂笑,因为一个修订版的‘The Night Before Christmas(根据英文诗歌改编的歌词)’突然出现在我脑子里---”
Then from outside there arose such a clatter (外面传来哗啦一声)
We rose from the floor to see what the matter (我们从地板上爬起来看发生什么事)
Away to the front door we flew like a flash,(我们飞速走向门口)
Jostled so hard,it opened with a crash (门把太紧,打开时砰的一下弹开)
Streetlights were glinting in the snow (路灯的灯光闪烁在雪地上)
Brian’s face was all a glo-o-o-w (Brian的脸洋溢着激情)
And in his hands he held a paint gun,(手中拿着喷漆枪)
Making it clear what crime had been done (罪行已经发生了)
Rudolf had fallen off the roof (Rudolf从屋顶上掉下来)
Covered in paint from antler to hoof (蹄子上的漆已经掉了)
Lying in the street’s slushy muck (身体躺在道路的泥泞中)
About to be crushed by a fire truck (而且被消防车压碎)