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标题: [Gale] 2013年5月6号Gale 接受ScreenSpy采访 [打印本页]

作者: 第七天99    时间: 2013-5-16 11:28     标题: 2013年5月6号Gale 接受ScreenSpy采访

本帖最后由 第七天99 于 2013-5-16 11:50 编辑


By Jennifer Griffin on May 6, 2013

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“当Gale被问到是什么吸引他加入到Syfy的巨制科幻新剧—有关世界灭亡“抗争”,“我想,是Kevin Murphy吧。”Gale说。

注:Kevin Murphy是美国著名的剧作家,词作家,电视剧制作人,作曲家。他写了“大麻疯烟潮(Reefer Madness)”这本书,后来还为它的电视剧版本填了词,作为电视剧制作人,他最著名的就是与人合作的《绝望主妇》,对了 他还是地狱猫的制作人!)


“我原来和《Defiance》的执行监制人Kevin Murphy合作过,并且我们成为了非常好的朋友。而且他在音乐上的爱好很小众。他在杜沃普摇滚乐的发展历史,节奏布鲁斯音乐,摇滚乐和乐理方面是个行家。对于桑德海姆的音乐他是个天才!就是这样的。我喜欢他独到的观点。他总能用幽默平衡他的潜在的负面想法。我并不是总能在工作中遇到与我在思想和兴趣上有如此多共同点的人。”

Gale将会在5月20日“Defiance”--“Brothers in the Arms”中出现,并且会继续参演第八,九两集。

“他的名字叫Conner Lang,一个很棒的爱尔兰名字。”当我们让Gale描述一下的他的角色时,他开玩笑地说。“我们有了O’Bannon ,Murphy,Flannigan,我们有了他们所有人。”他笑道,“Conner有一部分的爱尔兰血统,他虽然用美国人的方式讲话,但是你能够感受到他骨子里的爱尔兰血统。他和每一个爱尔兰民族的优秀子孙一样,对于瓶子有种无法割舍的喜爱。他会适当的把玩一下,这很有趣。我希望这一幕看起来会有趣些,因为我在演的时候,真的有些滑稽。他是一个有“大爱”的人,而且他从不畏惧将这点表现出来。

星座: 摩羯座
1.Rockne S. O'Bannon出生日期: 1955-01-12 出生地: 美国,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶 职业: 编剧 / 制片 / 导演 更多外文名: Rockne O'Bannon / Steven Rae 著名作品:惊异传奇;百慕大三角;戏中迷局等
2.Fionnula Flannigan:一位很杰出的女演员,她是爱尔兰人,最著名的作品就是在James Joyce's Women中扮演了六位不同却对Joyce产生了巨大影响的女人。



观众们都注意到了,作为Defiance的前任市长Nicky (Fionnula Flannigan)运行着一个反外星人的违法的秘密危险组织。她想通过这个组织打破当前世界各种物种之间的不堪一击的平衡关系。所以大家好奇的是Gale饰演的角色Conner是否会加入到她的计划当中。

“哦,我想 对于他来说最重要的就是确立自己在外交和政治上的重要的地位。整个世界都处在支离破碎中,每个人都再小心提防着。就像其他那些政治战争场景一样,他需要调节各方面的利益。到目前为止,Conner还没有和她有直接联系,但是他很对Niky的过去有一定的了解。作为一个坚定的政治家,他十分清楚她代表着什么,以及谁和她是紧密相连的。不过就目前她的人物性格来看的话,她对于剧情的发展会差生怎样的影响是个相当大的未知因素。但就Conner个人来所,他也有自己的计划。他要竭尽全力的做他自己,控制自己的感情,以免引来不必要的冲突,因为现在的冲突已经够多的了。这是相当微妙的。”


“我可能比较喜欢William Gibson的科幻作品。当我被Blade Runner深深地震撼了以后, 就成了一个超级科幻迷,但是我对于科幻的真的兴趣的在于,它能够在一个不同的背景环境下讲述那些我们自认为自己了解的故事,(从一个完全不同的角度出发),就好像是是从镜子的另一面看自己,明白么?我小的时候是个十分虔诚的基督教信徒,他们原来还告诉我《启示录》参考了直升飞机。”,他笑道,“无论怎么说吧, 这些都根植在了我的脑海中。对我来说这是一次真正的科幻之旅。但是关于启示录中出现了的那些飞行生物其实在一定程度上算是对于未来预言,”他耸了耸肩,“但就现在的科幻作品来说,我实在算不上一个狂热者,但只要是作品本身很好的话,我会非常欣赏!”

1.威廉•吉布森(William Ford Gibson)1948年3月17日生于美国南卡州康威(Conway,South Carolina),美国作家,主要写作科幻小说 ,是科幻文学的创派宗师与代表人物。居住在加拿大,被称作赛博朋克运动之父(赛博朋克是科幻小说的一个子类)。18岁随母移民加拿大多伦多市,于1972年偕妻子迁居温哥华市,育有二名子女。

2. 《银翼杀手》(Blade Runner),为1982年的科幻电影,由雷德利•斯科特(Ridley Scott)执导。台湾首映时译名为《2020年》,但后来发行录像带时改为《银翼杀手》并沿用至今。香港首映译名为《2020》。影片描述公元2019年11月,一个如人间地狱般混乱的洛杉矶。影片拍得十分含蓄,细节非常细致。《银翼杀手》是部独一无二的电影,不管从任何层面来看都令人难以置信,它的原创性和精致性是之前的科幻电影做不到的,这不但是个寓言故事,更是部爱情故事。

3.《启示录》(the Book of Revelation)又名《若望默示录》(天主教思高圣经),是《新约圣经》的最后一章,据说是耶稣的门徒约翰所写的,主要是对未来的预警,包括对世界末日的预言:接二连三的大灾难,世界朝向毁灭发展的末日光景,并描述最后审判,重点放在耶稣的再来。

他举了个第二集的例子,“我记得在第二集中有这样一个场景,在矿井中他们试图去就一个身上绑满了炸药的家伙Ben,但是当他们发现更深处的核反应堆时就意识到,Ben也许走到他生命的尽头了。但在这之前当Graham Greene 和Grant Bowler这两个剧中的角色处在圣路易斯或者是偏西边一些的地方一个公园里时,他们进行着大量的人口贩卖的交易,而他们用这些人类换来的其实就只是如同狗粮一样的东西。”

“Yes,” he laughs. “There was this wonderful little bit with the dog food song. And my character Connor has a bit of that too. Actually, I think all of these characters do. He develops a little relationship with Nolan. At first it’s a bit of a pins and needles thing but then we begin to see some common ground. They have some good scenes.”
“The dog food song!”

“是的,”他笑着说,“与Dog food这首歌有关的这一点很精彩。而我所饰演的人物Conner也存在这样矛盾的一面的一面。事实上,我觉得没一个角色都是这样的。Conner他和Nolan之间产生了微妙的情愫。最开始这些会让人觉得有些异常,但是不久人们就会发现其中的共性。”

Dog Food Song –Iggy Pop
I'm hanging around that same old scene
My girlfriend betsy she's just fourteen
There's nothing better for me to do
I'm living on dog food

Dog food is so good for you
It makes you strong and clever too
Dog food is a current craze
Eat some every day

I chew up my "sunday mirror"
I read about the rich I fear
Dog food is my whole life
Dog food composes my wife

More lyrics:


G:现在已经影片已经在剪辑当中了。主演是Christopher Denham,我也会加入其中,然后也会跟他产生一些矛盾。但是我不会泄露这些场景具体是怎样或者造成的原因是什么。不是因为我不能说,而是现在还为时过早。我们现在这在努力地完成它。我已经看过了预告片,对与成品有了一个大概的印象,这就是我一直追求的东西。昏暗,尖锐,感情色彩非常强烈,但是这些都是从一种非常好的角度出发。这就是生活,但是你要在现实中找到属于你的自己道路。我不知道它能带领我走向何处,但我希望能借此开启一扇门带我通向更为广阔的世界。这些就是我能告诉你们的全部。这样就可以了吧?我现在很兴奋,这就是我一直非常想要做的一些东西!

Q:有没有什么对你来说 是生命中必不可少的?
G:必不可少的吗?呃……氧气!二逼吧,但是这是事实啊!(我没有贬低叔的意思!有不喜欢前面那版本翻译的同学。自动跳到一下这版“这答案听着很丢脸吧, 但是这是事实啊!”)



G:没错,我是的。而且我是那种如果非要我说出来哪一个是最喜欢的话,我会觉得那是对其它乐队的一种伤害。我觉得好像每天的都会有不同的“最爱”。让我看看现在我现在听的是谁呢……..The Black Angels.我爱这支乐队!


2. 丝网印刷是将丝织物、合成纤维织物或金属丝网绷在网框上,采用手工刻漆膜或光化学制版的方法制作丝网印版。现代丝网印刷技术,则是利用感光材料通过照相制版的方法制作丝网印版(使丝网印版上图文部分的丝网孔为通孔,而非图文部分的丝网孔被堵住)。印刷时通过刮板的挤压,使油墨通过图文部分的网孔转移到承印物上,形成与原稿一样的图文。丝网印刷设备简单、操作方便,印刷、制版简易且成本低廉,适应性强。丝网印刷应用范围广常见的印刷品有:彩色油画、招贴画、名片、装帧封面、商品标牌以及印染纺织品等。



注:霍比特人(Hobbits),或称哈比人,是在托尔金(J. R. R. Tolkien)的奇幻小说中出现的一种虚构民族,体型娇小为其特色,但并非矮人或侏儒。霍比特人是一帮又矮又可爱的家伙,一帮友爱、快乐的小男人,他们并不漂亮但脾气绝好,眼睛宽阔而明亮,面颊红扑扑的,嘴巴最适合发笑和吃喝。2003年,科学家在印度尼西亚弗洛勒斯岛上发现形似《指环王》中“霍比特人”的女性小矮人化石,并把其昵称定为 “霍比特人”。


G:只要不是爱尔兰,可能吧。想想也挺有趣的,我小的时候一直梦想着去爱尔兰的Trinity College上学,但最终这个梦想也没有实现。我也不是很清楚。意大利有很多吸引我的地方,它的历史,设计,极度危险或是嫉妒吸引人的态度以及那种热情。你懂么?我也想花些时间生活在西班牙,但我是真的很想去俄罗斯,尤其是圣彼得堡。我已经准备好了去欧洲生活。我这辈子在那待过的时间还不够。

Trinity College 剑桥大学三一学院是由英国国王亨利八世于1546年所建,其前身是1324年建立的迈克尔学院(Michaelhouse)以及1317年建立的国王学堂。也因如此,今天学院中依然保留着的最古老的建筑可一直追溯到中世纪时期国王学堂所使用的学院钟楼,直到今天还在为学院报时。三一学院的教堂是由亨利八世的女儿玛丽•都铎于1554年修建的,虽然整个教堂的内部装潢要到18世纪才能全部完成。教堂前厅摆着从三一学院毕业的著名毕业生的玉石雕像,包括了牛顿、培根、丁尼生等人。

S:我们在Jennifer Elster的策划“In My Mirror”中见到了你的名字能跟我们讲讲么?
G: Jennifer是个非常有吸引力的人,她可以同时进行好几件事情。她的眼界很开阔,兴趣点也很复杂。我一时也想不到具体的例子来说明,但是无论怎样她真的很吸引人,对于这点我确信无疑。我与她合作过几次,目前也有几个计划再进行中,大家一定要持续关注啊。



Gale Harold Talks Politics in the Post Apocalypse, New Movie ‘Thirst’ & More with ScreenSpy

By Jennifer Griffin on May 6, 2013

“For me it was Kevin Murphy,” says Gale Harold when asked what lured him to Syfy’s ambitious new scifi drama and world-wide phenomenon Defiance.

Speaking to ScreenSpy in a new exclusive interview, Gale speaks about his upcoming story-arc in the post-apocalyptic Scifi drama, as well as several other new projects in the works. (And because he’s kind of awesome, he also answered as many fan questions sent in to our Twitter account over the weekend as was humanly possible. Check them out following the interview below.)

“I worked with him [Defiance Executive Producer Kevin Murphy] before and we have a good relationship,” says Gale. “I became good friends with him through work, and his interest in music as a kind of a side note. He’s really well versed in the history of Doo-Wop and Rhythm and Blues and Rock and Roll and music theories. He’s a Sondheim genius. So there was that. Plus I love his take on things. He’s got a dark undercurrent going on which he counterbalances with some wicked humor. It’s not often that I get to work with someone that I have such like-minded interests with.”

Gale’s Defiance story arc kicks off in the May 20th episode “Brothers in Arms” and is set to continue in episodes eight and nine.

“His name is Connor Lang. It’s a good Irish name,” notes Gale playfully when asked to describe his character. “We’ve got O’Bannon, We’ve got Murphy, we’ve got Flannigan. We’ve got them all,” he laughs. “Connor seems to have some Irish blood in him somewhere. He speaks like an American but he seems to have some people back over on the Isle somewhere. And like any good son of Ireland, he’s got a bit of affinity for the bottle, and he gets to play with that a bit which is nice. Hopefully that’s as funny as it seems when I was doing it because I felt kind of ridiculous. But he’s got a big heart and he’s not afraid to put it out there.

“He’s a government agent who works for the Earth alliance. He’s climbing the ranks. He’s very ambitious. He sort of walks the line between diplomacy and some of the more hard-knuckled aspects of the world that they’re all in – this post-apocalyptic tribal war zone. I think, like any good politician, he’s taking his chances when they present themselves. But he’s got some past history with Amanda [Julie Benz] and I think he’s sort of trying to get reunited with her on some level. He’s really interested in having her come on board with his vision of how the Government should be run.

“There’s such a live-wire aspect to trying to contain the different interests of the various races. He knows she’s very talented and very ambitious herself and he’s got it in the back of his mind that he can bring her into the fold of what it is he’s trying to do. He needs Defiance. It’s such a powder-keg there and he needs to get in and do some work. He’s juggling being a politician with also being a sort of unofficial law-enforcer – even though that’s not his official description at all.”

Fans of the show are aware that the town of Defiance’s ex-mayor Nicky (Fionnula Flannigan) has been working a secret, dangerous and illicit anti-alien agenda in an attempt to bring the delicate peace between the various races to an end. Can fans expect Gale’s character Connor to be involved in her schemes?

“Well,” he says. “I think more than anything he’s trying to position himself in a way that makes the most sense diplomatically and politically. Everything’s been so fractured and everyone is looking over their shoulder. He’s got to accommodate so many aspects. It’s like any other political wartime scene. So while he doesn’t have a direct connection to her, he’s very well aware of her history. Just by being a committed politician he knows what she represents and who her connections are. As far as her character on the show is concerned, it’s more of an x-factor as to what’s going on there but he’s got his own agenda, personally. He’s got to try how to figure out how to be himself and handle all of his own feelings without causing any unnecessary conflict because there’s enough going on already. It’s pretty delicate.”

When actors take on Scifi roles, particularly in high profile shows such as Defiance, they are inevitably asked if they are fans of the genre. Gale admits his own take on the medium is layered.

“My Scifi interest is kind of more on the William Gibson side of things,” he explains. “I became a massive fan after my brain was blown by Blade Runner, but I’m really interested in Scifi as a way to tell the stories that we think we know in a different context – turning that mirror around, you know? When I was a kid, I grew up as a great Christian, and people used to tell me that the Book of Revelation actually referenced helicopters,” he laughs. “Somehow that stuck in my brain. That for me is a real Scifi trip! The idea that these flying beings during the apocalypse were actually somehow predicted or forecast in some way. But,” he shrugs, “As far as Scifi goes I really wouldn’t call myself a serious Scifi freak. I do appreciate when it’s done well though.”

He offers an example from Defiance’s second episode. “There was a scene from the second episode I think, where they’re in the mines and they’re trying to get their hands on this guy Ben who has some pretty dangerous explosives, and they realize there are some nuclear reactors down there and that’s probably his end game. but before it happens there’s a moment where Graham Greene and Grant Bowler’s characters are sitting in a park in downtown St. Louis, or what’s left of it, and they have this really human, by-the-numbers exchange – and this whole thing about dog food.”

“The dog food song!”

“Yes,” he laughs. “There was this wonderful little bit with the dog food song. And my character Connor has a bit of that too. Actually, I think all of these characters do. He develops a little relationship with Nolan. At first it’s a bit of a pins and needles thing but then we begin to see some common ground. They have some good scenes.”

Defiance continues its seasonal run, Mondays at 9/8c on Syfy.

Gale also took the time to answer some questions sent in from fans around the world through our Twitter account @ScreenSpy. Among those topics discussed were several new projects – some secret but all intriguing, including Thirst, an “unapologetic morality tale about the choices we make and the circumstances resulting from those choices” according to the film’s bio.

Question: What can you divulge about Thirst?

Gale Harold: It’s being put together right now. Christopher Denham is going to play the lead. I come in and go toe to toe with him for a bit. I won’t divulge why or what the circumstances are. It’s not that I can’t tell you, it’s just that it’s a little early to even say anything. We’re just trying to get it all set up. I’ve seen a short trailer for what it will be and it’s the kind of stuff I really dig. It’s bleak. It’s harsh and it’s very emotional – but for all the right reasons. It’s life and how you find your way through it. I’m not sure where that will lead but hopefully it will open the door to something bigger. That’s all I can really say. I hope that’s ok? I’m very excited about it. It’s something that I’m looking forward to very much.

ScreenSpy: It sounds like it’s a million miles from Defiance.

Gale Harold: It is, absolutely! It’s the defiance in your mind as opposed to the one on the ground, right? [laughing]

Question: What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Gale Harold: The one thing I can’t live without? Um …. oxygen! It’s scandalous but it’s true.

ScreenSpy: So you’re not going to say your cell phone or anything like that?

Gale Harold: No, I’m definitely not going to say my cell phone.

ScreenSpy: You’re not overly-attached to your phone then.

Gale Harold: No, no. I like using it as a flashlight though.

ScreenSpy: Is it an iphone?

Gale Harold: Yes.

ScreenSpy: Those are great.

Gale Harold: They have a great flashlight feature.

ScreenSpy: They’re so handy when you lose something on the floor in a movie theater.

Gale Harold: I know! Exactly! [laughing]

Question: What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

Gale Harold: The best book I’ve ever read … the best book I’ve ever read. Hmm. I think that’s an impossible question to answer. That’s a seriously impossible question. It changes. It evolves. Sometimes you’ll be walking down the street and you’ll see something that will prompt a memory of a reference from a book you’ve read and you’ll suddenly realize how powerful it was and you have to go back and read it again. And for that week, that’s your favorite book.

Question: Have you ever been to Russia?

Gale Harold: I haven’t and I’m dying to go. I’m actually working on a project right now. I’m trying to develop a story that’s based in Russia and is very much a part of the history of that country, but I’ve never been there.

Question: Do you have a favorite band?

Gale Harold: I love so many. Oh God.

ScreenSpy: You’re big into music, aren’t you?

Gale Harold: I am. I’m one of those people who when I claim a favorite feels he’s doing a disservice to all the others. It’s like I have a different favorite band every day. Um. let’s see what’s on my turntable right now … The Black Angels. I love that band.

Question: If you weren’t an actor, what profession would you pursue?

Gale Harold: If I am actually an actor, if I can claim that? I’m not sure if I actually can? [laughing]

ScreenSpy: Of course you can!

Gale Harold: I would love to have been a talented writer. Also at one point I tried to develop my skills as an artist doing etching and screen printing but I’m an amateur at best. I would like to have been what any of my heroes have been but … I don’t know. I don’t know.

ScreenSpy: Do you think you’ll write something someday?

Gale Harold: Well I am, and I have been trying to, and I will continue to try and hack through that and get to a place where I feel at least comfortable enough to show someone else, but the confidence is the main obstacle right now. I’m just trying to push myself in that direction. I don’t have one main way to go. I find myself trying to write three different styles at the same time. [laughing] I’ve got to learn how to focus.

ScreenSpy: Do you have time for Hobbies?

Gale Harold: Do I have time for Hobbits?

ScreenSpy: No, Hobbies!

Gale Harold: Oh God, I thought you said do I have time for Hobbits! [laughing] I was going to say ‘No I have no time for Hobbits at all. It’s too hot today to have any Hobbits around with their sweaty feet.’  Hm, do I have time for Hobbits?

ScreenSpy: No, hobbies! [laughing]

Gale Harold: I have a Hobbit shoved up the chimney right now, trying to get out. [laughing] But yes I do. Besides listening to music and watching football matches and riding my bicycle it’s kind of simple things you know? I don’t knit. I don’t practice voodoo or card reading or anything like that. Or Hobbits – but don’t tell them I said that.

Question: If you could live in Europe, what country would you choose?

Gale Harold: Apart from Ireland, of course? It’s funny, when I was a kid I had this dream of going to Ireland to study in Trinity College, but it fell through. I don’t know. There are so many things about Italy that are attractive to me. The history, the design, the attitudes – some of which can be quite dangerous and some of which are quite attractive – the passion, you know? I’d also really like to spend some time in Spain and I really would like to spend some time in Russia – particularly St. Petersburg. I’m ready for a European existence. I haven’t spent nearly enough of my life there.

ScreenSpy: There’s still plenty of time, Gale.

Gale Harold: That’s why I go do silly things like make a film that takes you to Russia. That way you’re guaranteed to travel, right?

Question: We read Gale’s name in connection with Jennifer Elster’s project “In My Mirror.” What can Gale tell us about it?

Gale Harold: Jennifer is an incredibly fascinating person, and she’s got multiple things in development. Her mind is so vast and her interests are so complicated. At the moment, I am not privy to the finer details but I can say that whatever it is it will be quite fascinating. I’m sure of that. I’ve done some work with her already. Several projects are evolving, and people will just have to stay tuned for those.

Question: Do you have any other projects in the works that you can talk about?

Gale Harold: Realistically, I have three things that I’m actively engaged in trying to bring forward and one more that is sort of floating around. I’m trying to figure out how to bring that one down to the ground. One of the three is a completely different avenue for me. It’s something completely new. It involves speed, wheels, freedom, excellent tailoring and durability.

ScreenSpy: Wow, and that’s all one project?

Gale Harold: That’s all one project. It’s geared towards solving an existing problem. I have the opportunity to put my two cents towards solving a problem using something completely new and original and extremely exciting … and I will be as vague as I am being right now for the rest of this development process or until it breaks through the wall, ok?

ScreenSpy: Ok! I’m really intrigued.

Gale Harold: It’s going to be a good one.

Gale also wanted to pass on a message to all those who contacted @ScreenSpy over Twitter with questions, comments and messages of love this weekend. “Jennifer, if you don’t mind, can you please pass on that it’s really incredibly exciting and flattering to have that kind of feedback from all over the world. Please tell them all thanks so much. I love them all,” he said.

作者: cora    时间: 2013-5-16 11:40

本帖最后由 cora 于 2013-5-21 10:53 编辑

太棒了!!谢谢MorganBK和第七天99 >33

dog food那一段应该是指第二集里面的小笑料(我还特意跑去看了一下第二集...),还有Gale最想去的欧洲国家应该是爱尔兰~~~

补充一下,这个访问其实是通过电话采访完成的~而采访者Jennifer Griffin曾经在2012年采访过Gale,中文翻译在这里: 这篇采访里面Jennifer也是事先让粉丝准备了想问的问题,然后在采访完TSC后让Gale回答,其中包括Gale的帽子尺寸和想去哪里旅游。

不知道Gale有没有从此收到好多粉丝礼物送帽子给他 XDD
作者: chelsea07    时间: 2013-5-16 13:51

作者: 小粘    时间: 2013-5-30 01:14

作者: abdoubtion    时间: 2013-6-26 07:36


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