Gale's fans who've been fretting over vile Internet rumors about his condition will be glad to know he seemed fine, laughing and talking with friends, hugging people, and sitting cross-legged on the floor at the back of the theater before heading off to the Casanova Lounge where Kijak was spinning Scott Walker discs until 2 in the morning.



PS 上面的照片是2007的合照 ,估计记者没有拍到照片拿来用用的吧

Harold is, like Kijak, a huge Scott Walker fan, and provided some of the early money used to make the documentary. And, also like Kijak, he used to live in San Francisco, so it wouldn't normally be surprising that he was there. But the accident he was in last year has kept him off the set of DH for several months now, with his publicist unable to say when he might be back in front of the cameras.
G和KIJAKY一样 是S的超级粉丝.也为记录片提供过经费.而且G 也在旧金山居住过.所以在这里见到他也很正常.不过因去年的以外让他几个月离开DH剧组(休养).官方发言人没有就他何时回到镜头前做出明确的表示.


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