演完《飞越疯人院》后,RANDY会在BTF继续表演舞台剧《Mrs. Warren's Profession》


On behalf of the Berkshire Theatre Festival, I'm happy to announce that Randy Harrison will play in another production there. The play, Mrs. Warren's Profession will begin Aug. 14th through Sept. 1. Randy will play the role of Frank who is the love interest of Mrs. Warren's daughter. Tickets are on sale now. In case you don't know, Randy will also be in the play of One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest. Linda Hamilton will also appear in that production. No matter if you hear the news via google or Play Bill or other means, the interent is great for giving and getting information. The entire season at BTF promises to be amazing.

消息来源:"Mark" mlytjc2@aol.com

I got an email on his an hour ago (and just opened it a few minutes
ago) from a source at BTF

YES Randy will play Frank Gardner in the classic George Bernard Shaw
play "Mrs. Warren's Profession"

It looks like he will be living in Stockbridge all summer  (四姑娘:宝贝卖给BTF鸟~~~)

His run in Cuckoo's nest ends Jusly 28 and he begins Mrs. Warren's
Profession on August 14 through September 1.   (从8月14号到9月1号)

I believe this production will be in the smaller more intimate Unicrn

Plot summary 剧情摘要

"Vivie Warren, a student at Cambridge, comes to visit her mother in
Surrey. She pursues a business career, but is unaware that her mother
is the owner of several brothels throughout Europe. An older friend
of her mother's, Sir George Crofts, falls in love with the young
girl. She, however, is attached to the worthless young son of the
parish rector, Frank Gardner.

When Crofts discovers that Frank's father was once a lover of Mrs.
Warren, he breaks up the match between Vivie and Frank by telling
them they are half -brother and sister. Frank doesn't believe Crofts,
but when he learns of Mrs. Warren's true profession, he determines
that he cannot marry Vivie. Vivie forgives her mother and goes off to
London to make her own life."




萧伯纳(1856-1950)是世界著名的戏剧大师,1925年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。他一生中写了51个剧本,题材范围十分广阔,其中有许多精品。其作品多以情节曲折有趣,对话机智幽默,人物性格鲜明生动著称。作者一向反对“为艺术而艺术”的文艺作品和庸俗无聊的时兴戏剧,主张写重大的社会问题。他在作品中辛辣讽刺资本主义社会的虚伪和罪恶,无情揭露其政治、经济、文化等方面的种种矛盾和不合理现象,因此作品问世后往往能产生巨大的社会反响;至今他的不少剧作仍在世界各地上演,对他的戏剧的研究也在不断地进行。本书译者长期从事萧伯纳研究,以与一般研究者不同的眼光,选反动 了作者的7个剧作,编为一辑,从中可以看出作者创作题材的多样化。2006年是萧伯纳诞辰150周年,我们谨以这个选集对这位戏剧大师表示纪念。

Mrs Warren's Profession是他的作品“华伦夫人的职业”,写于1925年。故事讲述的是华伦夫人出身贫困,后来靠开设妓院赚了钱,让女儿受了高等教育。女儿发现母亲的底细之后,离家出走,去伦敦开始独立的新生活……(和前面摘要滴口气粉不一样)


原文剧本 http://drama.eserver.org/plays/modern/mrs-warrens-profession/

电子书下载  http://bbs.mbig.cn/attachment.php?aid=165242

[ 本帖最后由 qqqq2046 于 2007-3-2 00:50 编辑 ]

原帖由 hpilin 于 2007-3-2 01:49 发表

亲爱滴~~~~~~~~在BTF上演的《The Glass Menagerie》不是RANDY参加的,RANDY参加的是Guthrie Theater(泰伦·古瑟里剧院)编排的版本,时间是2007年1月20号 到 3月25号,我这个帖子有详细的介绍http://www.qaf1.org/viewthread.php?tid=31642&highlight=


原帖由 hpilin 于 2007-3-2 23:33 发表




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