我也来凑热闹,几个月不上论坛,为虾米wmp的播放窗口压得这么遍?画面都变形了,感觉不爽的朋友到我的播客页面看吧:Good Morning Sunshine

这支Justin的MV是我去美国前做的,虽然不是为Randy的生日准备,不过就当给Brijus捧场好了。其实,我们基本上是透过Justin看到Randy的,五年中,他在全身心演绎这个小孩的同时,也经历了成长的过程。我觉得他比任何人都爱他的Justin,只不过不是CL的(和大多数影迷一样)。他赋予了小孩起初被众人忽视的智慧,像父母关爱子女般期望J拥有真正属于他的精彩人生,所以他试图维护,曾经抱怨,一度失望,如今move on了,相信他会朝着自己的目标过好每一天的。不晓得他会许什么愿,还真会挑时间出生,难怪灵性这么强。

Good Morning Sunshine (Lyrics)


When the sun is up,
on a clear blue sky,
you will act like a lover.
When the sky is grey,
and the rain comes down,
you will run for cover.

Feel the heat, come out of cold,
and your arm is touching me.

Good morning sunshine,
you are my only light,
lying with me by my side,
you keep me warm all day.
Just stay with me.

Good morning sunshine,
be with me all day,
Just don't let the rain pass you by,
when it's cloudy or windy
and the snowflakes arrive,
you somehow just make me,
make me feel I'm alive.

When you leave my field
then you light the stars
Fading away in horizon
there is a million streets
leading off the night,
waiting for sun to be risen

Feel the heat, come out of cold,
and your arm is touching me.

Good morning sunshine,
you're my only light,
lying with me by my side,
you keep me warm all day.
Just stay with me.

Good morning sunshine,
be with me all day,
Just don't let the rain pass you by,
when it's cloudy or windy
and the snowflakes arrive,
you someehow just make me,
make me feel I'm alive.

Hold it right there,
let me take a minute of your time,
to explain how I feel through these rhymes.
I do the best I can, and believe me if I could
I'll build you a paradise with these two hands.
the top of your skin, makes my body go numb,
I'm thinking to myself, if my dream come true,
or is it 'cause you never give me a chance to tell you
how I feel, the moments we had were too precious to kill.

When it is cloudy or windy,
please turn your face at me

Good morning sunshine,
you are my only light,
lying with me by my side,
you keep me warm all day.
Just stay with me.

Good morning sunshine,
be with me all day,
Just don't let the rain pass you by,
when it's cloudy or windy
and the snowflakes arrive,
you somehow just make me,
make me feel I'm alive. 


Originally posted by brijus at 2005-11-3 03:42 AM:

你不是说要加一支BJmv的吗?为什么我翻到第5页还没看到?该不会是放在下载区吧?BTW,这不是礼物啦,只是拿以前做好的mv凑热闹而已,惭愧ing。你做的flash MV非常精美,就是肥了点,居然放了50张位图,I服了U。图片切换特效作得很精彩,我现在还只会渐显和百叶窗,有空要向你讨教。我给Randy的礼物是一张带MV的贺卡,因为是送人的礼物,所以未公开,不过还是可以和大家分享几张截图的:






The Face of God



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