[电影] The Adonis Factor同志之爱美之心[700M][无字幕][115]

Chiseled bodies, flawless skin, sculpted jawlines. At a time when popular culture objectifies men more than ever, it’s hard for them to avoid the pressure to possess such physical traits. In his follow-up to “The Butch Factor,” director Christopher Hines exposes how far some will go to attain “the Adonis factor” – the kind of god-like masculine beauty only seen in ancient Greek sculptures.

Hines takes viewers on an eye-opening journey through circuit parties, gay porn, and avant-garde fashion photo shoots, all of which promote their own kinds of idealized physiques. By capturing a diverse range of voices — from those who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of mainstream male beauty, to those who openly spurn it — “The Adonis Factor” ultimately poses the question: does a man’s fixation on body image make him any happier?

跟the butch factor属于同一个系列的,这部则是讲的同志追求美的一种心态,片中有展示一些同志对于外表有着几乎病态的追求。当然也有人提到随着人的成长在长久的追求外在之后的没有知心朋友的空虚与寂寞。 影片也对同志圈的另一个大群体--BEAR们进行了采访,相对于一些追求花俏,自我中心的典型同志而言,BEAR有发表了一些自己的想法。



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